Chapter 3

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A/N: today will be Chanyeol's point of view. sorry for not updating in a long time!

Chanyeol's POV

I was wandering in the neighborhood cause I wanted some fresh air anyways while I was walking around I saw a girl which I think is in my age and I bet she's new because I haven't seen her here yet. But the worst/creepy part is she's staring at me like I'm a ghost or something...

I went to her and tried to call her...  "Hey! " I said but she's still staring at me i don't know what to do so i pushed her lightly i didnt know i pushed that hard i knocked her on the ground...
"Aish!" She said she was kinda annoyed and fun to tease i guess? So i annoyed her even more *evil smirk* "can't handle my charm?" I told her teasingly she cant even say a single word i left her there knowing that shes blushing.

I walked far away from her now i just realized she looked someone familiar in the past "thats weird" i said to myself.  The way she blushes and her voice also her DEEP eyes are frkin like Kyungsoo's.  Anyways I have school tomorrow which sucks cause Its the first day of prison but anyways (a/n: he says "anyways" a lot sorrryyyy) I should distract myself from that haunted house and do something fun or just do my beauty sleep (😂)

Yayy this chapter is a bit more longer than my other ones!
Which i'm kinda proud of this one 💝 I will do my best to update more


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