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On beach of Beach City, everyone is preparing for what happening.

Grimlock put the table in a nice order.

Po brought the birthday cake.

Laval brought the table clothes.

Mike & Sully put the decorations on the trees.

Chowder brought the food in which he want to eat.

Star & Marco hang the piñatas.

The Mutanimals wrap the presents.

The Pine twins make sure everything is alright and tell everyone who do what and where to do it.

The Crystal Gems, Connie, and Lion wait for Steven to return

Steven arrive but very tiredly, "He'll be here any second".

Cinos run quadrupedal then stand upright, "Hey guys, what's your going? Are we having a party".

Everyone behind the table and face Cinos, "Surprise!", Sully, Slash, Leatherhead, and Po fire party poppers while Grimlock hold the cake with a 20 in it.

"Awwww, you guys", said Cinos with enjoyment.

Lapis and Peridot get near Cinos and kiss him on his cheeks, Mike & Sully cheer with a cup of fruit punch, Dipper & Mabel are glad they did the party plan, Star & Marco are talking each other and blushed, Chowder and Laval throw corndogs at Po to ...

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Lapis and Peridot get near Cinos and kiss him on his cheeks, Mike & Sully cheer with a cup of fruit punch, Dipper & Mabel are glad they did the party plan, Star & Marco are talking each other and blushed, Chowder and Laval throw corndogs at Po to see how much he can put in his mouth but Grimlock have more, The Mutanimals are relaxing and eating cup cakes, and The Crystal Gems, Connie, and Lion smiles at Cinos.

"It's kinda impossible to surprise you", said Steven.

"You totally got me this time, I had no idea", said Cinos who is smiling and lying.

"Yeah, right", said Steven then he brought something, "Happy 20th birthday, Cinos! Hope you like it", it reveal to be a corndog with a ribbon on it.

Cinos grab it and took a bite of it, "Like it? I love it!".

Everyone enjoyed the party until a loud shockwave was heard, made an earthquake, and pushes everything off the table.

"Whoa!", shouted everyone then Cinos open his eyes and saw his corndog was gone, he look around.

"Cinos? What's that!?", shouted curious Steven as a black portal appear and an entity came out of it revealing a scary face of black and purple, "What's it doing?".

Cinos look and remember the creature as he have Sonic memories, "The Time Eater!".

The Time Eater created 24 portals in which try to suck up everyone except for Cinos.

The Mighty Mutanimals came first, then Star & Marco, the Pine Twins, Mike & Sully, Po, Laval, Grimlock, and finally Chowder.

"Hey not cool", said Cinos as he retract his bat-like wing from from his back, flap up in the air, falcon dive to the Time Eater, raise his metallic claws first, but he counter with a backhand swap which made Cinos unconscious on the ground.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2017 ⏰

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