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August 31, 20029:11:03:31.59

Luke was, well, he actually wasn't all that sure. He felt a bit as if he was floating, but he knew he wasn't high. He hadn't ever touched a drug –not even seen one, for as far as he knew- and he definitely hadn't drank any alcoholic drinks yet today. It was early on the day and he wasn't that much of a drinker anyway. The occasional beer, especially if his day had been tiring or rough or just for some reason bad, but nothing more, really.

It had been two weeks since he had gotten some coffee with Michael, and he had been texting with him ever since. And God, even through text Michael managed to sound like he always did. Luke could almost hear him say everything, so smoothly. It was as if he was reading a part of a book each time Michael texted, if he had to compare it to something. Everything was neatly capitalised, spelled right –if not, he was quick to correct it-, punctuated right and all that came with something as simple as a text. His texting was just perfect, really.

Luke was a good texter as well, as in, he tried to make his texts look good too. He wasn't nearly as perfect as Michael with it, but he did keep it neat. After all, since he rarely spoke to people face-to-face, texting had become more normal for him. He called, occasionally, but only with his mum really. He didn't have a lot of other people to call anyway.

Either way, with all the texting going on, Luke couldn't help but feel even more attracted to Michael. It wasn't just his looks he was captivated by anymore, it was now also his personality. Michael was polite, sweet and quick to apologise if he sensed Luke's discomfort or thought Luke would feel uncomfortable or anything negative. He was basically the epitome of perfect.

And thus, when Michael had asked him to hang out with him, Luke couldn't say much more than an agreement. He felt his insides flutter again at the thought of it being a romantic hang out, like a date, but he wasn't sure if Michael wanted to call it that. Were they even on that level? Did they know each other well enough to get romantic? It had only been two weeks after all and he remembered his parents once telling him they knew each other for a whole year before dating. Was he supposed to do that too, or rather follow the romantic novels? Not the ones where the protagonists went all out in a week or whatever, but the ones where it went quicker than a year for sure.

He had met up with Michael in the two weeks once, though it had been accidental. It had been like the other two times, where Luke was on his way home. This time though, he didn't bump into the black haired beauty, but Michael spotted him and had tapped his shoulder. Luke had learned not to look up too quick, even if he had this weird sense of familiarity that fell over him, for some reason. But as he moved his view a little and spotted Michael's slightly dirty and black combat boots –which he easily recognised, for some reason- he didn't waste time and snapped his eyes up, smiling as he was met with Michael's happy face.

They had walked around together for a bit, ending up at a park Luke hadn't been to since he moved to the town, since he usually kind of avoided public places. But it had been nice and the day had been good for it, just a soft breeze making the heat bearable. They had enjoyed talking, Luke loosening up a little and getting somewhat more talkative, though staying shy and he kept getting flustered whenever Michael made a flirty comment –or what Luke figured was at least a compliment.

Afterwards, Luke couldn't stop thinking about it and he had been texting the dark haired male non-stop too, not able to wipe the smile off his face.

Which brings us back to now, when Luke and Michael decided to go back to the park. Michael had proposed to have lunch, or as also called 'a picnic' and would bring some food and drinks. Luke would just need to bring whatever he wanted, making him think of a blanket and two small pillows, figuring that would be nice. He also thought of taking Lady, but he knew Lady was always wary when meeting new people, so he rather had her meet Michael somewhere she couldn't run off and disappear. Plus, he had just walked her and when he was about to leave, she was sleeping peacefully, so he decided against it. And after all, he didn't even know if Michael was allergic or liked dogs at all.

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