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That night a part of her died. Deep in the night as she lay in bed, eyes wide open swimming with tears, her heart slowly grew black. The memories of the events of that night kept her awake. And her trust in humanity was lost.


"Cameron? Did you hear me?" Asks Ms. Burns, the school youth worker.

Cameron rippes her gaze away from the window and the bare field outside to look at her with an empty gaze.

"I asked how you're feeling?" Asks Ms. Burns, her brow furrowing slightly.

Cameron plasters on a fake smile and looks her right in the eyes before replying.

"I'm fine."

Just as Ms.Burns begins to say something else the bell rings signaling everyone to their final period class of the day.

Cameron quickly stands up and grasps her backpack in her hand.

"Thanks for the chat Ms.Burns."

Just as Cameron is about to leave the tiny office Ms. Burns calls out.


She turns back to look at Ms.Burns and the youth worker continues.

"You know I can't help you if you won't talk to me."

"Did you ever think that maybe I don't want your help?" Says Cameron before storming out of the closet of a room.


Cameron decided to skip fourth period and head to the back of the school to smoke a cig.

Before it all happened she used to see smoking as a dirty habit but now she couldn't even function throughout her day without taking at least one smoke break.

Just as she was about to toss the cancer stick to the floor and stomp out its red amber, Justine Marshal rounded the corner.

Justine was blonde, tall and perfect – everything that Cameron wasn't. But somehow their differences had made them so much closer and the best of friends. They used to walk down the halls, arms linked, heads held high as many of the peers looked on at them with awe.

But that was before Cameron's life fell apart. Now Justine used all the things Cameron had confided to her as weapons of Cameron's destruction.

"If it isn't my least favourite dirty skank?" Said Justine with a predatory smirk, Alexa ( Cameron's new replacement) not far behind.

"Oops. Be careful Lexi. If you get too close you might catch an std." she said placing and arm cautiously in front of Alexa, who just giggled a little behind her pink manicured hands.

"You know smoking kills?" Said Justine looking at Cameron in disgust before a wolffish grin over took her face.

"Well I guess no one wants you here anyways so that's not exactly a bad thing." She continued making Alexa laugh again.

"Well," began Justine turning around and slightly waving her hand in dismissal, " I hope you fall off the face of the earth. Bye dumb bitch."


School was shit

So you'd think home would be so much better.

But it really wasn't.

Cameron heaved out a huge sigh as she unlocked the front door. The first thing to greet her was her grey British shorthair cat, Stacey. She rubbed against her legs as Cameron hung up her jacket and then followed her into the kitchen probably hoping to be fed. In the kitchen was her mom quickly fixing up a salad.

"Hi honey." Said her mother. They didn't really look alike. Her mother was curvy and tan where Cameron was skinny and pale. Her mother also looked very young and was often mistaken for her sister (which was super awkward).

"Hey ma." Replied Cameron a slight smile gracing her face. She quickly grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and prepared to head up to her room when her mom cleared her throat.

"Hun, I just wanted to talk to you about something." Said her mom as Cameron turned to face her.

"Ive just been noticing that ever since the trial-"


"Please let me finish Hun." Said her mom with a sigh.

" I've been noticing you've barely been eating, you've lost lots of weight and you've been getting in trouble a lot. The school just called to tell me you skipped fourth period to do god knows what!" Said her mother, her voice slowly escalating in volume.

"Please, can we stop talking about this-"

"Hun I'm just really concerned. I care-"

"Well maybe you should just stop caring." Said Cameron calmly before storing up the stairs and into her bedroom.

She flung herself on her bed praying that for once her mind would shut off and she'd get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2017 ⏰

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