When I was younger (Flashback)

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"Siri slow down" I yelled running after him.

We were 5 and running to get home. It was what we did after playing at the playground.

"Come on J we are almost home and then we can bug Regulus." Sirius said running up the steps and into the house.

We ran up the steps to our room and jumped on the bed. Our parents and Regulus wasn't home so we had time to do anything.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" I asked him.

"I hope Gryffindor so I can show mom I'm nothing like her." Siri said

"I want Slytherin so I can show them that not all of them are bad." I said smiling at my brother.

"You'll do it because you are the best person alive and I will protect you always." Siri said and then we both fell asleep.

I wish that would of been true, but the year before our first year me and Sirius had a falling out.

"I can't believe you did that!" I yelled at him

"Malfoy should stay away from you." He said

"He is dating our cousin!" I said

"I don't care!"

It keep going like that until I asked my parents if I could go see Bella and her sister. They let me and I stayed with them they told me about Hogwarts and how they couldn't wait for me to be in Slytherin. I told them how Siri wanted to be in Gryffindor and they told me he was a blood traitor.

When I made it home me and Siri hadn't spoken for almost a month. When we did I was mad because he was fighting with Regulus.

"Stop being a jerk Siri!" I yelled pushing him.

"Make me Mrs I wish my parents loved me!" He yelled back.

"Yea well at least I'm not a blood traitor!" I yelled.

It took me a while before I realized what I said but it was to late. I was to mad to say sorry and I was to mad to care so the next day I moved out of our shared room. It would take us seven years to become back to being friends.

The reason we became friends again was because of Severus breaking my heart. Siri wanted to hurt him but instead he and James just kept bullying Severus. I became to see why Sirius was friends with James because I started to become very close to him and I saw James as a brother and friend.

James made Sirius the Godfather of Harry and Lily made me the Godmother. We never thought that the dark lord would find them, but he did and now they are gone. Harry was only about three months old and he was so scared all I wanted to do was to hold him and never let him get hurt.

"Hey Aunt Jane the Weasleys are here to pick me up." I heard Harry yell from down the stairs.

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