Part 2

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Two hours crawled by, each second seeming like an eternity as the four sat on wooden stools pondering their fate. They had heard some muffled conversation on the other side of the door, but no one had checked on them.

A slew of ideas had been running through Janelle's mind. There was no way she and Holle could take on ten men and live. Her brother's advice came to mind. They would have to isolate them and take them out one at a time, hide the bodies, and then create some form of distraction before the final assault.

The door opened and the leader of the group came in. "Innkeeper, my men are thirsty. Bring out ten tankards and three pitchers of your lightest ale."

"Sir, may I help him? That is a lot to carry, Mr..." Janelle said.

"Morgan. Yes, you can help, but try any funny business and we'll pass you around like a bottle of cheap whiskey." He kept his eye on Will, making sure he didn't add anything to the pitchers.

Holle motioned with her head towards the leader and looked at Janelle quizzically.

Janelle subtly shook her head no. Now wasn't the time. She needed to gather some information first.

"You," Morgan said, pointing to Kat. "It is getting chilly out there. Build a fire."

Kat got up and walked over to a counter. Morgan slightly unsheathed his blade as she reached under it. He placed it back in the scabbard when Kat pulled out a tinderbox. She walked out into the common room.

Janelle placed ten tankards on a serving tray and carried them outside, following Kat.

"About bloody time," one of the men said.

Janelle glanced about the room. There were only four men in here. She guessed the other five were wandering around the inn, probably pocketing anything of value. Saunders wasn't here.

"Get your ass back in the kitchen," Morgan said.

Janelle did as she was told.

A few seconds later, Will followed her.

They all waited in silence until Kat got the fire roaring. She hurried back into the kitchen.

Morgan closed the door.

"Have you two come up with any ideas yet?" Will asked.

"Kat, do ye be makin' yer own soap?" Holle asked.

"Yes, why?"

"Where do ye keep yer caustic soda?"

"In the storage room. Oh dear. Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?" Kat nervously bit her lip.

"Aye. We mix it up with a little water, then when one o' them bastards come in, splash 'im in the face!"

"Oh, that will be the perfect distraction before the final fight!" Janelle said. "Good thinking, Holle. Boost me up and I'll go see if I can fetch it."

Holle cupped her hand. Janelle once again stepped, was pushed up, and grabbed the rafter. She hauled herself up. Crawling towards the common room, she saw two of the men pouring themselves tankards of ale. The leader and two others were drinking theirs by the fire.

"What do you think Delaney will do to us for botching the job?" one of the men asked.

"It's the royal bank, for God's sake! Sending us out on our first heist to a fortress like that? Even Delaney had to know there was a good chance for failure! Morgan is the only one who has any experience in this sort of thing! Anyway, Heaton was the one who was seen by the guards. Since he's dead, I say we just blame it all on him." They went to join the others by the fire.

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