Chapter 3

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"Have you seen that thing?! I'm claustrophobic!" I moaned at the sight of the tiny inflated ball before us.

"Same here." Shanice agreed, looking as if she'd seen a ghost as she glanced at the inflated ball.

"I said it was a ball with wind floating money about, what do you expect? A circular mansion?" Coral moaned.

I flipped her off.

"Our next person to enter The Ball is... Coral and friends!"

When the heck did Coral sign us up for this?

"Go then!" Coral shoved mine and Shanice's shoulders to urge us to move forward.

"Okay, okay! We're going!" I protested, elbowing her in the side and she doubled over in pain. How very dramatic; I barely touched her.

"Don't worry, the money will be worth it." Shanice reassured beside me.

We were both pushing and shoving through the huge emerging crowd with Demi and Coral following behind us.

"Let's hope." I smiled slightly.

"Coral and friends?" Asked the man operating the fan that blew the money about.

I nodded somewhat. "Sorta. Coral's over there," I pointed in her direction and continued. "We volunteered to take part."

"Good enough for me." The man said, flashing us a full-teeth grin which really wasn't very flattering as his teeth weren't exactly dentist approving if you get my drift.

However, he was somewhat weirdly attractive minus the disgusting teeth. His hair was scruffy and not too short or long at all. He also had approximately two day old stubble on his skin and nice lips.

From the look on Shanice's face, I could tell she didn't think he was attractive in any way whatsoever.

Sue me, I'm attracted to some older guys like Ian Somerhalder and Tom Felton for example. What are you going to do? Hey, he looked like Gerard Butler, who could complain over that?

"You'll have exactly 2 minutes to grab as much money as you can. The notes consist of: fives, tens and twenties." He continued after my short examination.

Shanice and I nodded along to his instructions until we were both stood in the tiny circular ball.

"Damn, this is scarier than I imagined." Shanice muttered, clenching her fists into balls.

"Two minutes. Deal, Shanice." I patted her on her back in a friendly way and glanced down on the floor of The Ball. Hundreds and hundreds of notes of money were scattered all about.

"You girls ready?" A different guy spoke now who was definitely younger and had more of a Matt Lanter look to him. Hot!

Giving the Matt Lanter dude a once-over, I gave him a thumbs up and before we knew it, the fan was turned on and notes were everywhere. Honestly, I could not see a thing.

"Jesus Christ on a bike, this is harder than it looks." Groaned Shanice, flapping her arms about to try and prevent the notes from blocking her view.

"Oh, hush. We haven't even started yet."

"Go for it girls! Your time starts... now!"

I panicked and flailed and then panicked again. Managing to grab a dozen notes, I stuffed them in my jean pockets and bra. Shanice was screaming in my ear maybe slightly a bit too loud and it was distracting me like hell.

Glancing down at the floor and noticing notes were still somehow there, I bent down and scooped up a load in my arms and put them under my top hastily. Hopefully that wasn't against the rules.

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