March 20, 2017

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I do not understand these prompts whatsoever.

Am I strange? Yeah. I am.

So I just read the chapter this guy (original creator of these odd questions) wrote and I guess I'm supposed to say motivational stuff about strangers.

I'm not good at pep talks. They make me feel all weird and when someone tries to be really optimistic, I have to calm myself down so I don't punch them. It's just very annoying.

Also, "don't talk to strangers" is a good lesson in life. Strangers could do anything to you. Sure, most of them are pretty nice and wouldn't kill you, but it is a little awkward, and if they're strangers, they're people who are strange. Teachers teach, and strangers are strange. Not all people you don't know are strangers. Think about that.

Back to "don't talk to strangers," I was coming out of this church (for Chinese school) with my mom and friend and this little kid, maybe seven or eight years old, and starts talking to my friend about minions from Despicable Me. She was wearing this shirt with a minion on it and he poked her stomach(where the minion is) and said "I like minions." Now, I assume this kid lives in the house next to the church, but still. He shouldn't just walk up to a bunch of strangers and start talking. Especially when we could've easily taken him into my mom's car. And when we got in the car, he kept putting his hands on my mom's window, and said "bye" a couple of times. It was unnerving in a way. I also worry about his future. I'm not sure he realizes how lucky he is.

That last sentence was not meant to help raise my ego.


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