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Tyler's p.o.v

It is now early July, Josh and I have been packing, taking things to California, coming back, packing more things, and leaving again almost all summer. It was getting really tiring. I wanted to take a break and maybe go on a trip with Josh to some romantic getaway, or honestly just a getaway. Josh and I are currently in California, so why not go explore the state a little. I was thinking maybe we could check out some of the theme parks. Josh and I have never been to Disneyland together, and thats something all the cliché couples do so why not. And it did sound really fun.

Josh walked into the room in the middle of me daydreaming about romantic tropical vacations and beautiful destinations.

"Hey babe whatcha thinking about?" he asked me, truly curious.

"What do you say to getting away for a day? Take a break from all this packing?"

His face lit up with a big toothy smile, "Can we leave now? And where to?"

"How about Disneyland?"

He practically screamed and leaped into my arms out of pure excitement. It was only 9am so by the time we would get there it would only be about hour after park opening time. We grabbed some essentials, hopped in the car and left. On my way out I grabbed a CD that had a new song I've been working on that I wanted to show him.

When we got in the car I slid the CD into the slot and said to Josh, "Hey babe I've been working on a song for you. Wanna hear it?"

"Of course I do!"

The electronic noise started playing and I turned up the stereo and studied Josh's face as his listened to the words.

"You say things with your mouth cobwebs and flies come out.
I hear a second voice behind your tongue somehow."

Josh looked to the road focused in deep thought and smiled when he heard the lyric "Won't you stay alive, I'll take you on a ride, I will make you believe you are lovely."

He knew I wrote this song about him and all the times we used to take drives together. They were some of my most treasured memories.

As we drifted towards the end of the song Josh smiled at the last lyric and the way it sounded.

"Tyler that was lovely" he chuckled to himself as he made a pun with Tyler's new song.

"Thanks Joshie!"

I was genuinely happy he liked the song, I hoped he knew that there were still many songs about him that were still in the works.

Im terrible at updates im sorry here's a short chapter I promise the next one will be better

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