I. Beginning

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Cece - a 17 year-old girl, looking way hotter than in Hypnosis (part one) ;

Lawrence - Cece's 20 year-old boyfriend who is a sculpor;

Mother - Cece's mother;

Father - Cece's father; 

Denisa - Cece's friend from Romania; 

Lily - Cece's friend from Romania; 

Erick - Denisa's boyfriend; 

Leonardo DiCaprio - the actor and film producer; 

Kelly Rohrbach - a 26 year-old model who is Leonardo Dicaprio's friend; 

Logan Lerman - a 25 year-old actor; 

Johnny Depp - the actor; 

Lily Rose Depp  - Johnny Depp's daughter. 


Cece (monologue): Hello! It's me, Cece. Do you remember me? (3 seconds of waiting)  Yea, of course you don't...nobody does. Okay, let me tell you from the beginning. I'm the winner of  the "Wattpad next director" contest, which took place more than one year ago. You know, that shy girl from Romania, who was 16 and who changed her behaviour completely because of the bad influence of her "friends". Mhm, that's me. You know, back then, I used to tell you about dreams coming true and about how they would change your life forever. Well, the reality...is a bit...different. Now, I will tell you about fame. This is how it is: one day, everyone knows you, the next day, everyone forgets about you. Are you wondering what happened after I won the contest? If you remember, the prize was the post of movie director. This seems incredible, right? But, do you think it is that easy? No, it's not! The truth is, my career as a movie director is pretty much non-existing now. I'm being less and less important in this industry. I never got the chance to make a movie, I was never invited to any kind of movie-related awards or festivals...until now. Now, after more than one year of doing nothing with my career, I got an invitation to the Golden Globe Awards. And here I am, a stranger among strangers...

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