shOe LaCE (shorter than a short story)

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                I was walking down the road, alone. As I walk, I felt my shoe tie loosened. I was about to sit down when suddenly, a guy showed up.

                He smiled sweetly, showing his cute dimples. And then He knelt down in front of me, and before I could speak, he gently and carefully tied my shoe lace. I was touched,he is the only guy who loves to tie my shoe lace everytime it was loosened. This guy reminded me of my dad who used to tie my shoe lace when I was a little girl.

                   "Thank you." I thanked him while smiling. He looked up to me and smiled again... a heart melting smile.

                    "The next time I kneel down in front of you, I'll make sure that day, I'll be holding a ring." he replied. :)

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