Chapter I

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Y'all know the rules! Have fun!

"Mom I'm home!" a small girl about 10 years old jumped into the welcome arms of her mother. The warmth surrounded her as the woman picked her daughter up and walked into a small house. The mother kissed her cheek before setting the (h/c) haired girl, her (e/c) orbs shining brightly.


I have the firewood and I picked some berries on the way back." you beamed, proud of yourself for what you accomplished. What can I say, 10 year olds are very proud. Besides the fact that delicacies like these were very rare and you were lucky enough to find any.

You held out a basket of small, red berries after setting down the wood carefully by a fireplace.

"Did you now? Are you sure they're not poison?" your mother smiled as she took the handmade basket and placing it on the counter.

"Of course I'm sure. I fed one to a little squirrel, all it did was foam at the mouth and fall over. He was sleeping."

Again, your mother smiled warmly, secretly dumping the berries out. Seeing what little you two had, you always kept a smile on your face. The pain gnawing at your insides that things may never get better. That things will only get worse. That everything will soon burn to the ground. That no matter how hard you try, the only place that humans would belong, is in a titans stomach. And the only way to prevent that just a little longer is to stay behind the walls. It may seem like a good idea since it's a sign of security but once you think about it, no human should stay in a cage all their life. Not able to leave or see the outside world. Now, if you even take one mere step outside, you're titan food.

Of course no one wants that so they have no choice but to submit to the Military Police's orders. But in the end, the titans win either way. No matter how many expeditions they go on. No matter how many titans are killed. No matter what.

The titans multiplied. Soldiers died. And they get no closer to their intimate goal. Still, despite not being able to save humanity, they don't stop trying. Young people flood in every three years later to be known as cadets, then dead, or extremely lucky to be alive and either drop out or continue fighting.

Despite being the ecstatic nine year old you were, deep inside you longed to be free. Your mother did too. Did either of you show it? No. Slaving around like nothing's wrong when no one can barely even find any food because of the food shortages. And you know what the government did? Round up innocent civilians, some volunteering some begging for their life. Pleading for mercy. Screaming and kicking, asking what they did wrong to deserve this. Any of this. The soldiers throw them out into the open. The place where you dream to be free. Only to find out those poor, innocent children and adults are fed to the man-eating titans. And to what? Get rid of people so the one's in Wall Sina can continue living how they always have? Rich and comfortable? While others starve to death, dying without purpose. Without a life. All in all, we were already dead. Dead souls, decomposing, waiting for the body to rot away with it.

In a way, you were somehow fascinated by the survey corps. Fascinated by how they never gave up. How strong they were. Well, some of them. The ones that didn't die were strong and respectable. Unlike your father. He was sacrificed by the scum they call the Military Police Brigade. They were probably even drunk while doing it. Even though you were only about 10, it didn't stop you from knowing how cruel most of the MPS was. Only caring about their positions and doing anything they can to keep the clearly undeserved high status. Even if it means killing innocent citizens. Preferably the poor ones in Wall Maria, the biggest yet poorest wall out of the three.

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