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The alarm woke Bull up...damn it!! He mattered . A simple confusion had made him set the wrong alarm. It was not a time to make mistakes and he knew it. He sat up on the hard dusty mattress and sighed in disgust ... he could not believe how far he had fallen... it wasn't that bad a while back, but there was no turning back..a loud bang on his roof made him fly of his bed his ballers in his hands, sleeping with guns was more of a usual thing to him... his two pieces were like a lullaby, he could only sleep with the two silver guns under his pillow .. His heart beat rose as he knew anywhere he was, danger was a step away. How could he sleep peacefully with the government and a terror group on his tail.. Bulls' dog-tags jingled and he immediately grabbed them and squeezed them in his vest.. he didn't want them to give up his position. The dog tags reminded him of his military days.. though right now his love for his country had significantly dropped his life in his service had taught him a lot ,decapitated his humanity, and but according to him right now the only advantage was the deadly armed combat he had learnt in the navy seals....who could blame him , it was the only reason he was alive anyway.. Bruises all over but alive but that was all that mattered. ''stupid kids"someone shouted outside.. Bulls heart beat slowed slightly and he peeped through the window ..two short small dark figures ran into the dark while giggling. He slowly moved from the corner he had crouched in and he placed the safe of his fire arms and dropped them on his bed and sat on it ... he held his head between his arms and then brushed his hair. "Damn it" he mattered,he shouldn't have been in this situation if he had listened to his wife .. well late wife .. he thought he was doing the right thing ,right now he was not so sure ... Bull was not actually really his name... his name was Bill ... Bill Mcgarth ... he was discharged from the military with honor but he never liked talking about his life in Benghazi... Cause according to him their was nothing honorable he did out there... Bill changed his name to Bull after it occurred... His friend from the military John Riggs who unlike Bill was discharged dishonorably, John had connections in the underworld and though once Bill saw the underworld as the worst thing ever but now his perception of things had changed,it was the only reason he could evade the law .. John Riggs had someone who identified himself as Viking who was good in making fake ids, passports, licenses and according to Viking changing Bill to Bull was easy and best method of hiding real name , whenever Bill popped up in a scan by authorities he could cross his fingers and say people like confusing Bill and Bull and hope the authorities would brush it off.. It was now two years since it occurred and bill was so used to Bull that he no longer knew who Bill was... Bull was the survivor,and Bull was the person he was... Bull was the person he had to be to survive and Bull he will be!!!

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