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Joey ran towards a stand for a lottery of some sort. He slammed four lottery tickets onto the table and spun the wheel around, ready to win a free holiday for his friends. "There is a reason they call me lefthanded Joey" Joey grinned fondly of himself.

At school however, Yugi and Tea sat around a small table playing a game called Capsule monsters. Tea liftet up on of the capsules to discover a fairy type monster underneath. She liftet it up into the air as she dawwed at it. "Aww, isnt it cute" She said as Yugi liftet up one of his own capsules to discover his Celtic guariden. "Its about having the strongest monster, not the cutest one" Said Yugi amused.

"But its still cute" said Tea as Tristan came by to great them. He looked at the board fondly "so this is what everyones been talking about ey?" said Tristan as he got a good look at the monsters at the board.

Right then Joey came in with four lottery tickets in his hands. "LOOK WHAT I HAVE FRIENDS! Four tickets to india" Joey beemed.

Later that day, the four friend were on their way through the airport. "wait for me you guys" said joey in agony as he dragged with him a backpack packed weeks worth of vacation. "what do you even have in there? we are going for 6 days, not 6 weeks" said Tea and Yugi, looking back at Joey as he almosy fell.

"Ya know, the usuall. Hairdryer, food, gameboy, the usuall." Tea laughed in respons "You are even worse then me".

They walked to the private plane which was apparently for them. As they were on their way on the plane and looked outside the window, Yugi thought fondly to himself. "This vacation will be amazing"

Just then the plane started to loose its cordination. "Fasten your seatbelt and dont panic" saud the guy in the front seat, which made them panic even more.

"Well ive had more then enough fir for the whole trip" saud Tristan as they got out of the plane safe. "I lost all mt stuff" Cried Joey dramaticly. Just then Tea said that help was on their way but it would take a while. "What are we waiting for? Lets have a look around" said Tristan and Joey at the same time as they started walking off. "Shouldnt we wait fir help"Said tea as she and yugi followed them into the woods.

Through a couple trees the gang found a man unconsoius. Tea gave him some water and so he drank half of it before he started talking. "Thank you fir finding me" said the man. A bandana fell out of his pocket, just then Yugi picket it up as he commented that his grandfather had one just like that. just then the man rocket Yugi back and fourth in confusion as he bombed yugi with a question. "Are you Salomon mutos grandson?"

"As a matter of fact I am" answered Yugi. "I work with your grandfather Yugi, but i have to tell you that he is missing"

and so the gang followed the man back to where mr muto was last seen. Which was a pyramid for some reason. They walked inside and found a big map on the floor downbellow, after avoiding many traps of course. "What the heck is this place" Asked Joey as he stepped onto the map. But just then he dissapeard through the map. "We have to go after him guys" said Yugi. He turned to Tristan and Tea. "You stay here while i go find Grandpa and Joey, i always drag you into stuff and i dont want you to get hurt"

Just then Tea and tristan dragged Yugi with them as they stepped onto the map "you arent doing this alone Yuge"

Yugi, Tea and Tristan found themselves back in the forest, but this time with something on thir arm and a belt around their waist. "why are we back here? and what is up with these belts and stuff?"

Just then 3 giant bugs appeard out of nowhere. "Run guys!" so they ran, but Yugi got seperated from Tea and tristan as they ran a diffrent way being chased by beetles as Yugi was chased by a another giant insect. "Guuuys!" said yugi as his friends dissapeard. Yugi was able to shake of the giant bug and was talking with the pharaoh in spiritform. "One thing is for sertain, we arent in India anymore" said yugi. The pharaoh appeard beside him.

"I think we may be trapped in some kind of game" Just then the same bug appeard again. Pharaoh changed places with yugi and jumped out of the way before it could hurt him, just then he touched on the the larger stones witch made it crack. just then Celtic guardian appeard and fought the monster before it bowed down infront of the pharaoh. "I will serve you as long as you are in this game" so it dissapeard into a smaller capsule.

"I think we may be trapped inside the capsule monster game, Yugi" said the Pharaoh, looking at his partner

Capsule Monsters - Yami Yugi/Yugi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now