JohnDave Oneshot

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John’s POV

The spectacled boy lay awake on his bed, staring at the ceiling. It had been a whole week since he and his best bro had talked. He hadn’t been online for two weeks and it made John worry.

He didn’t tell anyone but he had always had a huge crush on him.

The boy sat up and walked over to his computer and booted it up. He hovered his mouse over to the Pesterchum icon and clicked it. Dave was online.

John immediately brightened up at his icon and quickly began his pestering him.

ectoBiologist [EB] began pestering turntechGodhead [TG]

EB: hey dave.

EB: how come you haven’t been online lately?

TG: oh hey john

TG: ive been hanging out with karkat lately

TG: whyd you ask

The words shattered John’s heart. Karkat? he thought.  I thought he hated him…

EB: do you want to hang out later?

EB: like old times?

TG: sorry bro karkat wanted to share an apple juice later

TG: he was blushing and shit

EB: oh really?

TG: yep

TG: the idiot is pretty cute

TG: dont you think

John’s heart withered away bit by bit. A tear slipped down his cheek.

EB: um I guess

“Maybe I should tell him now,” he silently said to himself. He thought of it for a minute.

TG: john if you arent going to say anything im going to look for karkat

The name stabbed a hole through his heart.

EB: dave i need to tell you something.

TG: what is it

It’s now or never.

EB: dave…

EB: i really like you.

EB: and not just as bros.

EB: it’s more than that.

TG: john stop the bullshit

TG: this is a prank isn’t it

John’s heart felt like it stopped.

EB: i’m serious dave!

EB: i really, really like you!

TG: come on john this is bad even for you

He felt his heart shatter into a billion pieces.

EB: i have to go

ectoBiologist [EB] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG]

John’s hand was shaking. Tears rapidly streamed down his cheeks as he hunched over his keyboard, letting a few stray tears drip.

He abandoned his computer for his iPod player and headphones that Dave had given him a few birthdays back. He put it on shuffle and skipped the song he was on. Music blasted in his ears as he let the rest of his tears fall freely.

I wanna ruin our friendship,

We should be lovers instead,

I don’t know how to say this,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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