unexpected expectations

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Michael's POV
Today was the day.
We were in her city. Her home town.
I sat in the back of the tour bus, earbuds in, and ignoring everyone.

The streets of this town just flashed by my eyes. Tour would be over in America today and then we move on to our European tour.

The bus came to a stop and I sat there. We were at the venue and everyone was getting out of the bus. Arzaylea and Luke walked off and then Ashton and Calum.

Before Calum walked out he turned around, "You gonna tag along with us or sit there like and old bum?"

I turned to him and laughed, "Hahaha real funny Calum. You know why I'm upset."

"I do and that's why I am getting you out of here so you don't keep thinking about it," he said as he pushed me out of the seat.

I hit the floor and laid there, "You fucker."

"Whatever let's just go everyone is leaving," he said as I got up and we walked into the venue.

There was a group of fans outside, but we all passed them and went inside. It was time for rehearsals.
They would be able to hear us since it was an outdoor arena and I loved that.

But as I was walking over to the stage to grab my guitar, I looked up and everybody was hugging HER.

I wasn't expecting this and it made me even more nervous.

Here's the backstory.
There is this girl. Her name is (Y/N).
I met her last year on tour.
It all started at the little cafe.
We were going to get some food and a coffee when I walked in and there she was.
The sun shined through the window onto her.
She was just sitting there reading a book and drinking some coffee.
She looked up and caught me staring at her.

I got shy and looked down.
I heard her laugh a little. So I looked up again at her and there she was smiling in the most beautiful way.

I walked up to her and we started talking. She made me feel normal and like myself.

Prior to meeting her I had been very sad and had been feeling quite alone. Tour made me miss home and being in Australia.

We talked for a while and she later joined us on tour. I fell in love that summer, but it soon ended when I had to leave America for the other leg of the tour.

We stopped talking and everything changed. I was back to feeling out of place. I was angry at myself for letting it end.


Michael's POV
As everyone was hugging her Calum turned around and walked towards me. I pulled him away from everyone.

"Why is she here?" I asked him.

"I'm pretty sure Arzaylea invited her, you know cause they are friends and talk all the time."

Calum and I just watched from afar as she was laughing and just so happy to see everyone. I saw that as she hugged Luke she asked him, "Where's Michael?"

I could hear Luke say, "Why don't we all leave you and him to talk?"

"Ok," she said nervously as Calum pushed me forward and everyone left.

It was just me and Y/N left.
I walked towards her and she walked towards me. Her eyes started watering and my heart dropped.

We hugged each other. It was silent, but we stood there hugging until I pulled away and wiped the tears from her face.

She laughed, "I'm such a mess."

"I missed you," I said looking into her eyes just so she would know I really meant it.

"I missed you too," she said with a smile on her face. Damn, I missed that smile.

"Can we talk?" I asked. Her smile dropped from her face, but I knew we had to.

We sat on the ledge of the stage, and there our conversation began.

Authors Note
Hi guys! I'm back and I wanted to update this! I hope you enjoy and sorry if it's really long I just felt like writing.
If you enjoyed please vote and I will continue to update! So much love❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2017 ⏰

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