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Bella's pov
I woke up about an hour and a half later to see hope and Em were already back and rem was talking to em. "Hey Bella me and Em are going to go see what's taking seb so long to pick up steph at the airport". "Okey dokey" I said shutting the curtain and putting on clothes.
---time skip---
Rems pov
We finally got back from the airport with steph and seb (it turns out steph missed her flight and had to catch a different one) we got back to the bus and as soon as I opened the door I froze. There in the middle of the bus were Bella and Hope dancing naked around what looked like a octopus made out of a large clump of dirt. I suddenly remembered seb was walking up behind me. I turned around and shoved seb backwards making him land on his ass "what the hell dude!!!" He exclaimed "you and steph need to wait out here for a minute Emerson get your ass in here!" We both walked into the but and em ran in front of hope to block her from my view and I did the same with Bella. I got Bella to my bunk and tried to get clothes on her but she didn't seem to happy with that. I finally managed to get her to wear a pair of my boxers and my leather jacket. "Bella are you high?" "Just a little high mostly drunk" she said giggling.
Emersons pov
I was trying to get clothes on hope but she kept wiggling around laughing like a bloody 2 year old! It took me like twenty minutes to finally get a pair of her underwear and one of my baggy shirts on her but at least she was wearing something. After that she finally fell asleep.
(Bella fell asleep to) I came back into the main part of the bus were Remington now was. "You know your girls got quite the dance moves!" Rem joked. Grrrrr I hated him seeing her like that! But then I remembered a little thing I noticed before rem got bells to his bed. "Ya well what was with that tattoo huh?" Rem looked at me confused "what tattoo?" "Seriously dude you've slept with the girl you didn't notice the very obvious tattoo on her ass?" He shook his head "honestly cant say I have. But what the hell does she have tattooed on her ass?" Em laughed a treasure chest overflowing with gold that says booty below it" rem laughed "how the hell have I not noticed that?" "Good question bro" I said going outside to tell seb and steph it was ok to come inside now.
The next day
Bella's pov
I woke up with a start thanks to hope who was tickling me. I laughed histericly  thrashing about untill my hand hit something hard and hope stopped immediately clutching her hip. "Ow Bella that fucking hurt!" She screeched in pain. I just laughed "that's what you get biatch!" I laughed and got up to see the everyone else including steph was already awake. "Hope? Bella? Do you guys remember what happened yesterday?" Rem asked us. I thought for a second and then it all came rushing back to me. I laughed for probably the hundredth time that morning and nodded. "Good. And Bella can I talk to you outside for a minute?" Rem asked I just nodded confused. We stepped outside the bus and stood there for a minute in awkward silence. "So Bella there was something I noticed yesterday. A little tattoo..." he trailed off but I knew what he was talking about. "What do you not like my booty tattoo?" I said giggling. He shook his head "no it's not that I was just wondering what on earth compelled you to get it?" "Welllllll I had come up with the idea for it as a joke so then when me and hope were playing truth or dare she dared me to get it and that's the story of why I wear  swimming shorts to the beach." We both laughed and he slung an arm around my shoulders. "And you owe me one for cleaning all that dirt and shit off the floor" I laughed and we walked back in the bus were Sebastian finally introduced us to steph. Me hope and steph all decided to get to know each other but having a girls day so we decided to go to the spa frist and left the guys alone on the bus.
Emersons pov
"So guys I was hoping since the girls are out you guys could help me pick out a wedding ring for hope?" They both nodded "what kind of ring does she want?" Seb asked. I shrugged "I'll text Bella and ask"
Text convo B=Bella E=Emerson
E) hey Bella sorry to interrupt but me and the guys are going ring shopping for hopes wedding ring can you figure out (discretely) what kind of ring she would like?
B) ya I'll ask just give me a couple min
E) ok
10 min later
B) ok she said she wants a silver ring with an emerald
E) ok thanks
B) no problemo just be good to her or I won't hesitate to slit your throat
E) ok a little scared now but I have no plans to hurt her
B) then you should be fine see ya later!
"Well I'm slightly scared of Bella now but I figured out the type of ring hope wants!" They all looked at me confused and I just showed them the texts and they all laughed and Remington just mumbled "that's my girl". Then we headed out
Time skip to when everyone is back at the bus and Em picked out the perfect ring.
Bella's pov
Em pulled me outside the bus and showed me the ring. I squealed and jumped up and down slightly "it's perfect!" I squeeked he laughed.
To be continued...
And just so you know they have been playing shows and moveing around I just haven't mentioned it much.

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