The test...

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Y/n pov

I woke up kinda sore even though I slept with len and and saw len hugging me. I felt kinda sick."I think I'm going to throw up..." len put his hand lightly on my head and look very worried."y/n, your kinda burning and wrapped a blanket around Me."let me call  the school..." " don't have to stay home with me..." "but if I  go to school, then I'll miss you and worry about you..." I blushed and then I felt something in my mouth then rushed to the sink and puke."Y/N!! ARE YOU OKAY" "yeah definitely...." then I fell and past out...

Len pov

"Y/N!" she was lightly bleeding on her forehead and I rushed to the hospital.

(time skip to hospital)

I park at a spot and carried y/n in a bridal style and ran and enter in the sigh in."help!! My girlfriend y/n had a running fever then she puked and passed out!!!" "okay let me sent the emergency room..." Then, I saw those beds which roll and they took her away.

(1 hour later)

"len kagamine?"

One of the doctors called me and I walked up to him."is she okay?!" "yes, she will be fine but there's something you should know now..." "what!?! I'll still take her!!" My heart pumps as I sweat wondering what happen."well...y/n is pregnant at just one mouth old..." I glance up and smiled this was good news! I can't wait to have a baby with y/n!' I thought to myself."can I see her?" "sure that's her room make sure you knock." they pointed the left door which was right by me as the doctors left i and knock."come in.." I opened the door and saw y/n....crying."so I guess you found I was pregnant..." "y/n I'm so-" "I'm sorry really am...i understand if your going to leave me..." "leave you? That's ridiculous. I'm so happy! This is good news!! I love you so much y/n!!" I hugged her as she looked so surprised."s-so your not mad with me?" I giggled and shake my head."of course I'm not I'm the opposite I'm the world's happiest man!  And now that you pregnant..." I reach inside my pocket and got a small little black box and got on one knee and opened the box and inside was a engagement ring."y/n l/n, will you make me the most happiest man alive and marry me?"

Y/n pov

I saw len got on one knee and opened that small little box and heard the 5 words come out will you marry me?' I covered my mouth and start to cry."yes!!  Len I will marry you!!" he got the ring out and put it on my ring finger and kissed my hand."alright then Mrs.kagamine..." we kissed  then len got a tape recorder."heh, I got that on tape you dare me to post it?" he giggled."of course you should!" we celebrate until we  got interrupted."hello y/n you will get released today so here's your clothes you can change in the bath room." "okay thank you doctor." len helped me get out if the bed and wink at me then got my clothes and went to the bathroom.

(after changing clothes)

I walk out with my pj's and len help me walk."len I can still walk you know..." "well I  have to be extra careful with you!" we sign out and while we sign out we were on TV!

News reporter: breaking new! Kagamine len has proposed to his girlfriend y/n l/n! Here's the picture: *shows picture* so there it is! On to the weather!

We walked out of the hospital and drove to our house

Len's pov

We arrived home and I skip towards the door."len, you seem very excited about this..." I unlocked the door."well of course I am!" I smiled and kissed her forehead and smiled then I carried her up stairs."len I am not-" "don't worry we're aren't doing 'that' " I went in her room and layed  her gentally on her bed then covered her up "len...i don't want to go to bed...." "well it's good for the baby!" she sign and went on her side and took a nap.'okay so what do people have when their pregnant...' I thought to myself and got a idea and made y/n a burger and some water and then put it on the dinner table...

A/n: hey guys! Katie here I hope your enjoying this book so far :D

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