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I have never been more frightened than when I was laying in bed that night.

Sleep has never came easily to me, so I wasn't surprised to look up at the clock and see that it was already 2:30 in the morning. My eyes darted around the room. I could feel my heart beating rapidly and my palms sweating. This was a nightly routine for me.

I listened intently and jumped at every creak, thump, and knock that my ears could process. I could see shadows popping up out of the corner of my eyes. My mind was overthinking again. It was attempting to take me over and consume me.

My eyes were starting to feel heavy.

I can't go to sleep. I can't go to sleep. I can't...

My eyes began to shut, and I forced them back open. It was as if every time I closed my eyes, something was standing over me. I could almost feel it's presence.

I looked back at the time. It was 3 o'clock now. I could hear the wolves howling outside my window. Wait, or was that the wind?

I could hear thumping and knocking on the walls. It was as if somebody kept knocking on my window, or the wall beside my bed. I was alone, wasn't I? It had to be the wind again.

Finally, I could no longer fight my exhaustion. My eyes shut, but this time I was unable to force them back open.

Panic set in.

I tried to open my eyes, but it was as if they'd been glued shut. I attempted to sit up, but I could no longer move. It was as if some invisible force was holding me down. It was liked I'd suddenly become paralyzed. I tried to scream but my mouth failed to open.

Then I heard the voices.

It was a male, he was saying my name. He repeated it over and over. It was as if he'd crawled inside my head and started whispering to me. I wanted to cry, but I'd lost all function.

The only thing that was still working was my heart, and it was beating out of my chest. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was happening. I began to feel like I was going to die.

I sensed somebody in the room with me. I wanted nothing more than to open my eyes and run, but I was trapped here. I couldn't get away, and I couldn't call for help. I was defenseless.

What was this? Was this all real, or had I truly lost my mind? I felt the presence getting closer to me. The voices in my head intensified and my body filled with pure terror. I felt something looming over me.

Please don't. Please let me wake up. I thought to myself as I tried with all my might to move my muscles.

My whole body was screaming bloody murder, but yet I wasn't making a sound.

This is it. I thought. I can't escape it, there's nothing more I can do.

I braced myself for whatever was about to happen.

I gasped. My body jolted and my eyes shot open. I was awake. I was not dead. My heart was accelerating and tears began to pour out of my eyes. I was alone.

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