First date

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The day after Devan was supposed to leave we went out for our date. We went to an Italian restaurant. I felt a little out of place since it was such a fancy place and I was so un-fancy. "This is such a nice place" I said. "It's because you deserve the best" he said smiling. "I guess that's why I'm here with you" I told him. "Thanks and I must deserve the best too because I'm with you" He said. The waiter came and we ordered our food. He got Chicken Parmesan and I got Spaghetti and Meatballs we talked as we waited. When the food came I tried to eat slowly, trying not to spill sauce everywhere. When we finished eating, Devan paid and him and I went for a walk. It wasn't very romantic since we were in the crowded streets of NYC, but with him I felt like we were the only people in the world. We walked through Central Park and when we were in a less crowded area he held my hand and kissed me! It was the best kiss I ever had and it was magical. "Wow" he said smiling. I was so happy and shocked that I couldn't speak. After a few minutes I said, "I can't believe you just kissed me, I'm so happy!" "Good" he replied, smiling "I want you to be happy." We walked a little bit further then he said, "It's getting chilly, how about I walk you home." "Okay" I said. He walked me home and called for a cab to pick him up. "Hey Devan, I could ask if you could stay with us" I said. "No, no, no I don't want to inconvenience you" he replied in a gentle voice. "You won't inconvenience us" I said. "Okay, if you say so" he told the cab driver to leave and then walked in me and my mom's apartment. I asked my mom if he could stay she said sure, and Devan could sleep on the mini couch in my room. I grabbed him blankets and pillows and we went to bed.

The Key To My Heart Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora