[11] presenting.

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I woke up, once again, feeling warmth, but this time it was behind me, infront of me and on me. I opened my eyes to see jino circled up in front of me, I was holding him. Make layed on top of me, using me as a pillow and namjoon had his arms around my waist and his head on my neck.

I blushed at how close we were. I knew there was no getting out of this. Until I realized..my alarm goes off for school at eight.

Oh shi-

And at that moment, and alarming sound filled the house. Mark woke up and screamed. Jino jerked up and rubbed his eyes and namjoon fell of the bed. I laughed. I had forgotten that hoseok and taehyung dropped us off at his house last night.

Namjoon groaned And I reached over for my phone and turned off the alarm.


Mark whispered.

"Yes. Markie?"

"Where are we going to go while you're at schwool?"

He stayed silent.

"U-uh, my mom is at home..maybe she would mind watching them?"

I spoke quietly, and looked at namjoon.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and grabbed my phone, dialing my mom's number.

"DO you think maybe..you could watch namjoons brothers while we go to school?"


"Really? Thank you so much!"

I hung up.

"She said yes."

He nodded.

"Lets get ready, then in our way we'll take them."

I nodded.

"Oh..I don't have any clothes so I'll have to grab some there."

"Or you could just wear some of mine."

Namjoon smiled.

I shrugged.

"Either one is fine."

He grinned.

"You're wearing my clothes."

I laughed as he got up and ran to his closet.
He looked excited which made him cuter. He handed me a oversized, black hoodie and jeans.

I nodded and went to the bathroom to change.

After I finished, I walk out to see the three boys had already changed.

"Ready, jeen?"

Jino asked, tilting his head.


I giggled.

We went out to the car, and began our drive to my house. Soon arriving, we dropped the kids off and headed to school.

I had forgotten that we had to present our projects today and when I remembered I let out a sigh, i hated presenting. Namjoon put his hand on my shoulder and smiled.

"It'll be okay."

He smiled sweetly.


He nodded and we continued to school. I should also say ,once his mother died, he gained possession of the car.
We arrived at the school.

" I don't want to present, joonie~"

I said in an aegyo voice. He grinned over at me.

"It'll be okay, Jinnie! "

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