Chapter 39

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"Sunshine?" I take a deep breath and move my focus from Luke's chest , to his eyes. "My brother is in a rehab." I whisper it in his ear.
He holds me closer to him and the tears flow again. His hand caressing my back.

The weight of the day hits me like a truck, I fall asleep like that.

I open my eyes and the room is empty, I'm covered under my sheets, a note next to my night stand.

Alex , I'm sorry but we had to leave to continue packing. I didn't want to wake you up ,  because you looked so peaceful. Today , we're going to McDonalds after you finish school.
Love Luke and the rest of 5sos :-P

I get out of bed and walk into the bathroom, washing my face. I change into my uniform and run downstairs, to the drive way. Since, the boys are leaving, we're going back to our new routine, Shawn picking us up , since he is the last house in the neighborhood and has to pass in front of ours' to get to school.

He gets in front of my house , with the music blasting my ears. I climb shotgun and lower the  volume."Hey ,that's my jam!" He says frowning.
"Hey, those are my eardrums!" He laughs at my answer." Next , stop Jane." I say hi to Juliet, Alyssa , Kate , Mo and Adam.

We pick Jane up and go to school. I had the same stares as yesterday, but no girl drool.
The day goes on smoothly , as seniors we have more privileges than others, so we decided on ditching computer. I call Luke just to make sure they're at Mc.

We get there and sit together, Luke pulls me aside to a table for 2." Oh , so romantic" I say sarcastically, he just rolls his eyes and sits across from me.

"Happy Meal?" I nod and he makes his way to the counter. The cashier drooled all over him , he asked for the order and walked back , smiling."She's a fan" I press my lips into a line , I don't want to say anything. And I try not to think about yesterday. Calum stands up and gets his order, the girl gets another tray ,I think it's ours since it has a happy meal. She carries the tray and walks over to our table. She puts the tray and looks at Luke." Can I take a picture?"  Luke nods.

She stands next to him and takes a few photos, her name tag says 'Megan'. She kisses his cheek in one of the pictures and in the other one she kisses his jaw, she's moving closer to his lips and he hasn't done anything about it.

Her lips are inches away from his mouth when I snap at her." Hi , Meg , can I call you Meg?" My voice rising catching the eyes of everyone. "Can you please not kiss my boyfriend?" She looks at me wide in the eye. The exact same way the girl looked at me yesterday. Why does everyone expect me not to do anything about it ? He's my boyfriend and he shouldn't have girls trying to make out with him.

She leaves and Luke takes out his burger from the wrapper. I'm looking at him , fire burning inside me ."What the fuck Luke?" He stops mid bite and turns his attention to me." What?" God , I'm so close to punching him."Luke , she was all over you and yesterday the girl in class almost gave you a handjob. You didn't do anything about it. Do you always expect me to pry them off of you? Luke, you stay months away and I have to trust you not to do things like that , but you can't even do it when I'm right in front of you." I try not to higher my voice, but I think Luke notices the anger and the pain behind it.

His eyes are wide with fear and surprise." Alex , don't you ever think I would cheat on you" I take a deep breath and open my mouth but he cuts me off " Al , I ...." and he shuts up again "I like you Alex , a lot and I wouldn't hurt you in any way." I hold back my tears. God , I've been crying so much these past days. PMS am I right?

"Luke , you didn't do anything about those two girls , how can I know you wouldn't do anything like that while I'm not around?" I just feel like I'm about to explode. "Alex , I wouldn't and you know it" I clench my fists , my nails digging inside my skin." No , Luke I don't know. I think you've known me long enough to know how insecure I am , to know I think you're too good for me . God , Luke don't you get it ? I'm not good enough for you and I can't trust you. I can't trust anyone ,  because every time I do I'm wrong. Okay, Luke I'm not enough for you..." I'm crying, I stand up making my way outside. I can't believe I just told him that..

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