Seperate From the Rest

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Chapter 3.

"Wake up, honey. Time for school." My mom is in my room and she has already turned on the light. I pull my blanket further over my head and groan. "Don't fall back asleep," She mumbles, leaving the doorway.


Time for another day of school.

I pull out of my bed. I seem to spend a lot of time in it.

I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. As I look in the mirror, it surprises me how much I resemble a zombie. I grab my old brush and start untangling my mop of faded red hair. I rinse my face and decide to find some clothes.

I manage to uncover a pair of blue skinny jeans and an old shirt with the name of a band that I really don't listen to much anymore. I put on some socks and my jacket and I head to the kitchen. My mom is drinking a cup of coffee and looks like she just got out of the shower. I look at the clock above the stove- 7:20.

Crap, I should've already left. I quickly find my shoes and fling my back pack onto my shoulder. "Bye Mom," I say as I open the door. She probably hears me, but she doesn't respond.

The morning sunrise catches me off gaurd. I almost love the sunrise as much as the sunset. The good thing about sunrises is that soon, the sunset will come too- which just gives me something to look forward to.

I think about speed walking to school, but I remember that I'm not exactly in a rush to get there. I walk normally down my street and torwards school. I can feel my backpack's straps on my shoulders but the actual bag is almost empty. I only brought a few writing utensils, paper, and a copy of my favorite book.

I get to school 5 minutes late, but my homeroom was too hectic to notice me. There's a sub, and the students are certainly aware of it. There's people screaming, chasing eachother, and throwing paper balls and airplanes across the room. it looks like a warzone, and I have just run out of ammunition. i notice Mariah in the corner talking to another girl and I walk over to them, considering she's the only person I've talked to in here.

"Hi Ledwig," she says in mid-sentence.


"How was the rest of your day? Yesterday, I mean." Mariah's friend has turned to me and I try not to make eye contact.

"It was okay," I respond, even though yesterday really wasn't okay. It kinda sucked.


The bell rings and a swarm of students race out the door and the subsitute breaths a sigh of releif. I leave behind the mob and try to recall my 1st period.

Right, math.

The hallways seem to get incrediously smaller during passing periods and the walls struggle to withstand hundreds of kids between them. I retrace the steps that I took yesterday and I find my seat in my algebra class. There's already a lot of kids in here but they don't seem very interested in math.

The teacher- Mr. Grey- is at his computer when the rest of the class walks in, barely missing the tardy bell.

The seats are in rows and I don't exactly remember who I sat by yesterday, which is why it startles me when two seemingly familiar faces take the seats on either side of me. It doesn't take long to put the puzzle together- the skateboarders from yesterday.

Yep, the ones who pushed me and used very obscene language while I was walking home.

They grin at each other across my desk, and I heave out an obviously irritated breath, keeping my eyes on the front of the class.

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