Chapter 1 - Silent Night

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It was a Friday in the midst of October where Bernie and Serena were both working the same 4am until 4pm shift that day. After a stressful day of balancing paperwork and duties in theatre, there is nothing better either of them could think of doing than jumping into bed and lazing the rest of the day away in each others arms. And so they did...


Serena drove them back to her house, stopping to pick up a takeaway on the way. 

"Ham and pineapple for you, o' strange one?"

Bernie scrunched her nose and nodded.

"You know me too well... HEY, how does that make me strange?"

"Fruit... on pizza...? Yuck" Serena rolled her eyes before winking at Bernie and closing the door before making her way into the shop to order their food. Bernie simply chuckled and shrugged her shoulders.


They spent most of the evening curled up on the sofa eating, drinking, chatting about their day and even managed to catch a repeat of a documentary on TV that they both wanted to watch a few days back but didn't find the time to. After a while they vacated upstairs and got themselves ready for bed. Whilst it was Serena's turn to occupy the bathroom, Bernie turned on the electric blanket to warm up the bed for the both of them and by the time Serena was finished, Bernie was already fast asleep. Stray blonde curls splayed all over her side of the pillow, the duvet wrapped tightly around her torso, two feet sticking out from the bottom of the bed topped by a faint snore coming from the blonde trauma surgeon. Serena smiled at the sight and slipped in beside her, wrapping an arm around her middle and kissing Bernie's cheek before falling soundly asleep for the first time in goodness knows how long. 

She'd been finding it hard to adjust to her different shift patterns that week which resulted in her sleeping pattern having constant, drastic changes. Serena slept for about two hours, body now entwined with Bernie's (they always somehow manage to entangle themselves in one another during the night) but was now beginning to stir until she was suddenly bolt awake, staring at the wall opposite for a while trying to force herself back into slumber but she couldn't.

Carefully untangling herself from Bernie whilst being sure not to wake her, she made her way downstairs into the kitchen and flicked the switch on the kettle. Realising she was only in silk pyjamas and it being the middle of October, she picked up Bernie's leather jacket that was draped over the chair at the dining table and put it on. This was quicker than running all the way upstairs to get her dressing gown. A cup of tea now in hand, Serena made her way out onto the back patio to sit on the swinging chair. Her back garden had a great view over the city of Holby. The faint sounds of traffic passing in the distance, the bright lights on buildings illuminating the skyline, it really was breathtaking.


Bernie awakened, almost sweating from the heat that the electric blanket was giving off. Now fully awake, she turned hoping to be greeted by Serena's sleeping face, her most favourite sight, but instead found herself squinting trying to indicate the time on the clock in almost pitch darkness. 2:36am. Bernie knew there was only one place Serena could be, the same place she had found her every night this past week...

Bernie tried to locate her favourite jacket but couldn't find it anywhere.

"I'm sure I brought it back from the hospital with me. Where the bloody hell is it?"

Bernie always had a habit of speaking to herself in times of frustration. She shrugged and headed towards the back door, Serena would soon warm her up if need be.


"Still can't sleep, eh?" Bernie could just about make out Serena sitting in the chair. 

"Hmm. It's just all these different shifts, it's definitely starting to take it's toll"

"Me too. That and the fact that my arse was about to set on fire from that bloody electric blanket, we need to stop leaving it on all night"

Serena laughed. The laugh that warms Bernie's heart every time she hears it. Bernie switched on the little outdoor light and was now able to see Serena more clearly. And BINGO! she had found her jacket.

"I seem to have had a rather expensive item of clothing stolen from me... you haven't seen it anywhere have you?"

"Can't say I have? When did you last hav-, oh, wait a minute, I may just be the culprit. Caught red handed. I'm sorry!"

Bernie made her way over to Serena and sat down beside her. Serena went to take the jacket off but Bernie stopped her and draped it back over her, leaving her arm around Serena's shoulders and bringing her into a cuddle.

"It looks better on you anyway, darling"

They sat in companionable silence for a while, both sipping from Serena's cup of tea to warm themselves up, hands entwined in the middle of them, stolen glances and shy smiles shared with the distant hustle and bustle of Holby filling the air around them.


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