Chapter 2 - SuperSerena

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The week after the leather jacket incident, Bernie and Serena still found themselves extremely busy and weren't seeing much of each other around the ward. Bernie, knowing Serena was struggling with sleep at the moment, took on most of the work in theatre and left Serena to tackle the paperwork, emails and minor injuries on AAU.


It was fast approaching the afternoon and Serena couldn't bear the silence of the office any longer and also found herself missing Bernie. The silence soon filled with the rumbling of Serena's stomach, she was too rushed off her feet this morning that she forgot to grab something to eat. She knew Bernie was due for a break from theatre soon so she sent her a little text...

Missing your face. Lunch in the peace garden at 1? I hope everything is going well in theatre. Love you. Sx

A shiver came over her and it didn't take her long to notice where the draft was coming from. Bernie always made the mistake of not shutting the windows when leaving their office at night time so they'd obviously been open all night. She closed the window and went to get her trusty black duster coat. Draped over her coat was Bernie's Holby hoodie, she picked it up and was instantly greeted with Bernie's scent. She rubbed it against her cheek and smiled fondly. She decided to put that on instead and wrapped it around her torso tightly. It made her feel safe and gave her comfort while Bernie was absent and not there to envelope Serena in her arms. Her phone buzzed in her pocket and she grinned as the name popped up brightly on her screen...

A coffee and a cuddle suits me just fine. Not much of an appetite this afternoon. See you soon, gorgeous. Bx


Serena ordered herself a cheese and ham sandwich and two double shot lattes and then made her way out to the peace garden. It wasn't too cold outside and her favourite swinging chair wasn't occupied either. Placing the cups of coffee on the ground beside her, she tucked into her sandwich as she waited for her beloved Bernie to show up.

Bernie finished up in theatre just before 1 o'clock and swung by the office to get her hoodie but soon noticed it wasn't there. She shrugged it off and just thought she might've left it in the locker room. She picked up her coat from the rack and headed off to meet Serena.


Bernie approached the peace garden and spotted Serena swinging in the chair, gazing out at the shrubbery, coffee cup in hand and humming contently to herself with a smile on her face. Bernie could have happily stood there all day watching Serena, she looked so peaceful and happy, the sight really warmed her heart.

"Hey you!"

"Ah, Bernie!" 

"You know..." Bernie walked over to the chair and looked down at Serena with a raised brow. "If you're going to start making a habit out of stealing my outdoor garments, at least wear them properly." She sat down beside Serena and bumped their shoulders together, eliciting a slightly confused smile from the brunette.


Bernie nodded. "Yes, properly. Here, I'll show you. You haven't even got it zipped up, you mad woman!"

She zipped the hoodie right up, taking extra care not to catch the skin on Serena's neck, placing a kiss to the Serena's cheek when she made it to the top, obtaining another smile from Serena and a low hum of content. She took both of the drawstrings and pulled them as tight as she could. "Bloody hell! I don't know why you have it all tight like this. Makes it look like you're wearing a superhero cape"

"Well, that makes you my Super Serena then, doesn't it?"

She ruffled up the hood so that it was tight around Serena's neck. "There we go. Just perfect and I don't mean the hoodie."

They both smiled at each other and Serena passed Bernie the coffee she'd gotten her. "I do believe a cuddle was requested also, Ms Wolfe?"

Bernie nodded and Serena didn't need to be asked twice, she opened her arms and Bernie all but fell into them. Her head resting under Serena's chin, left arm wrapping securely around Serena's middle. "Tough time in theatre this morning?" Serena stroked some of the matted blonde curls away from Bernie's face. "Mm, you could say that. It was difficult but we managed to save them. I'm feeling much better now that I'm in your arms though" and with that, Serena planted a kiss to the top of Bernie's head, let her lips linger there for a moment before pulling away.

"I love you, darling"

"I love you too, Super Serena" 

They both chuckled heartily and held onto each other that extra bit tighter, both now feeling utterly content in the security of one another's arms.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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