ch 2

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3r pov.
Winter solcos meeting where the lightning bolt is stollen.

All the god were arguing about one thing or another the big three we arguing about their oath to not have any children and every was slowly stopping arguing to listen.

The demigods were wondering if this is really their family.

Meanwhile luke who was nervous about stealing Zues' s lightnight bolt was slowly starting to get convinced that it was a good idea.

While Chiron was trying to shield the younger children from all the gods bickering.




Zues was about to reply. when a bright flash happenedin the middle of the throne room. there was a pile of teens on the floor with what looked to be 2 pregnant ones on top of the pile.
The teens where completely oblivious to the fact that they where in the presence of the gods and where yelling at each other.

"Kelp head you need to get off same with you Annie." "DON'T CALL ME ANNIE." "Owww that's my leg. ""SHUT up I'm trying here not easy being 8 months pregnant."" SHUT up and get off "

During all this Chiron and the demigods of the current time where watching all this in a daze and wondering why the guy with sea green eyes looked pregnant. And why a few of them looked so familiar.

Once they where all standing the blond boy with a scar on his upper lip was checking over the boy with raven black hair and sea green eyes for injury. He keeps saying that he was fine but after a while he got feed up and finally graded the blonds shoulders and shook him roughly saying" OH MY GODS jase I'm fine. We are fine. Now stop fusing or I'm going to make your sister shoot you." At his words. A girl in a hunters of Artemis uniform with short black spikie hair grinned evilly and drew her bow. Opon seeing this the blond paled and stoped fusing. The raven haired boy looked around and saw the gods and asked" hey what's the big idea bringen is here. What do you need now. Haven't we done enough."
The demigods of the present look at him and thought that he was going to die.

The gods looked at him in shock and zues' s face turned red and he thundered "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TALKING TO THE GODS LIKE THAT. I SHOULD KILL YOU NOW FOR YOUR IGNERNCE." A blond girl about seven months pregnant stepped forward and asked " don't you know who we are lord Zues" the gods looked at her questionably and it was apollo who answer "should we ?"
When they where about to answer a note fell from the ceiling and landed on artemis's lap everyone looked her as she began to read

" dear confused gods and demigods

We have decided that you will read about one of the greatest demigods of all time. along with some of his friend we will be sending you some books to read about his adventures  in the Greek mythology world. And also to help Maybe even stop a war or two. We want you to bring the heros of old here so they can learn some things from there brothers and sisters make sure that the Hercules you bring is the demigod version. The demigods  of the future can only say the name parent and what they are most proud of  nothing else. We may even send people from different times or bring them from the underworld of the have died.

Sincerely signed the fates and the Zues's favorite"

" who Athena and Artemis" asked most the gods and goddesses.
" Apollo and Hermes"
With that everyone just mentally groaned and apollo and hermes were smiling like goof balls. People where about to complain when another note came down and landed on posidens lap he picked it up and said

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2017 ⏰

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