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8 years ago...

I shot out of bed, the biggest smile displayed on my face.

Today was my 13th birthday.

I was officially a teenager!

I run down the stairs and to the kitchen. Mom and dad were standing in front of the dining room table with big smiles on there faces.

"Happy birthday sweetie!" Mom said as she bent down to my height and hugged me.

"Thank you mom." I reply.

Dad pats my head like a dog. "Happy birthday sh!thead."

I cross my arms over my still flat chest. "Dad!"

He bends down and hugs me too. "I'm just kidding."

I kiss his cheek and smile big. "Thanks dad."

Mom reaches behind her and pulls out a small wrapped box. She looks at my dad who looks at her and nods.

She hands me the present. "Open it."

I take the gift and hold it for a moment, hoping it is what I think it is.

I unwrap the box and scream when I see what I've got.

My first phone, the iPhone 4.

I run over to them and hug them. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

They hug me back.

"Of course." Mom says sweetly.

"Ok, we need to go over today's plan." Dad says as he straightens up.

I nod, telling him that I'm listening.

"You and your mom are going to go out and shop for a few hours. Then you'll come back and we'll have dinner and open more of your presents. Sound good?" Dad explains.

I nod. "Sounds good."

"Ok, you go get ready and then we'll go." Mom says.

I turn and walk off, but stop and turn to look at them again. "Mom, can I wear some of your perfume?"

Mom looks at dad who has a skeptical look on his face. The communicate silently just by looking at each other, which I've never understood how they do that, and finally come to a decision.

Mom turns to me and smiles. "Of course."

I beam. "And maybe some mascara and lipgloss?"

"Absolutely not!" Dad says immediately.

"Oh Ryan, just this once." Mom says as she winks at me.

"Thank you!" I squeal before running up to my room and changing. After I've gotten dressed I go downstairs to my parents room, where my mom is waiting.

I walk into her bathroom and find her sitting at her vanity putting on the rest of her makeup. She smiles when she sees me through the mirror.

"Come sit down, I'm almost done." She says as the strokes her lashes with the mascara wand one last time. She stands and makes me face away from the mirror as she does my makeup.

"Look up." She instructs as the holds the mascara wand, that already has fresh mascara on it.

I look up and then she starts coating my lashes.

"Blink...blink...and blink." She says. She does the other eye and then puts the mascara tube away and grabs some lip glosses. "Ok, pick one."

I look through the five tubes of lipgloss and I can't make up my mind. I bite my lip and look at my mom for advice.

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