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"Well ... now I'm bored."

Carl sighed deeply as he sat in the middle of the prisons watch tower, disassembling his pistol for the third time that hour. 'Just like dad did. Don't screw up this time!' he mentally scolded himself, sliding the empty pistol magazine across the smooth cement floor in frustration. He would never understand why he needed this skill in the first place; the task alone was annoying and too time-consuming.

"This is stupid," he grumbled to himself and he quietly sulked in the corner of the small room.

Light snoring startled the young boy from his self-loathing. His blue eyes settled on the dark figure resting on the faded green sleeping bag in the opposite corner of the small room. The person's chest was slowly rising and falling as it took deep breaths. Then a pair of eyes seemed to pop into existence as the woman spoke, her voice still a bit raspy.

"Someone's jumpy this morning, huh?" Michonne asked as her soft chuckle turned into a groan as she stretched her weary muscles

"W-what?! O-of course not! I jus' thought I heard somethin'," Carl's face reddened slightly from embarrassment as he glared at the floor, "Thanks again... for convincing my dad to let me outside," Carl said sheepishly, rubbing his hand across the back of his neck.

"Don't mention it, Hot Shot," Michonne's replied with a chuckle as she stood to her feet and stretched her arms, "we all know how Rick can be."


"Let me take watch. I can handle it." Carl softly glared his bright blue eyes at his father Rick's darker ones.

"I don't think you should be out there," Rick stated wearily, studying his son's determined expression, "it's a lot safer in-"

"I can take care of myself," Carl quickly retorted, cutting his father off, "I'm not a kid anymore!" He had gotten fed up with the way his father was acting since Lori passed. Rick was acting much more hostile and irrational; more harm to himself and everyone else who occupied the same space.

There Rick was, looking down at him with the 'I know what's best for you, so do as I say' expression. "I understand that but-"

"-But I'll be out there with him, just in case." Michonne piped up from the cell block entryway, the steel blade of her katana tinted a dark crimson from Walkers before entering the prison.

"See, Michonne will be with me the whole time!" Carl sent a small smile toward the woman, thankful for the support. Rick looked between the two hesitantly, quickly giving in to the pleading gaze of his son and the knowing look of the ebony woman. Nodding in defeat, Carl quickly walked toward his cell and grabbed his gun and holster, quietly whooping happily now that had finally got his way.


The first of the fiery orange hues of the slow sunrise cast light down onto the once dark prison yard and through the open windows of the guard tower. Letting the light that filtered into the guard tower onto his upturned face, Carl would have enjoyed this moment much more if it weren't for the constant moans of the dead forcing themselves against the outer gates of the prison yard. Everyone seems to be too busy staying alive to savor moments like this. 'More walkers came overnight,' he thought, as he scanned the perimeter of the field; and that's when he noticed him.

Carl was certain there was a figure moving through the trees. His form standing in the glow of the sun making his eyes, their color as gray as storm clouds, sparkled brightly in the pure light of the sun. With his slightly sunken mocha skin, it as if he hadn't eaten in some time.

Strands of white hair poked out from under the males black hoodie that covered his head. Taking in a good amount of air, Carl started to call out to the boy when he felt a hand softly squeeze on his shoulder. He hadn't noticed Michonne standing next to him, she too noticing the teens presence but wasn't as surprised by the male as Carl was.

"Oh.. He's back already?" Michonne spoke, her confusion evident in her voice as she eyed the figure's movements, "Your father's gotten desperate. But it has definitely gotten worse down there."

It took a while for Carl to process what Michonne had said completely. It seemed as if she knew who the boy was, and Carl, being as he was, wanted answers. "You know that guy? Who-"

"Shh. Watch." She stated firmly, purposely cutting off the teen.

What Carl witnessed next could have been considered as either a heroic act or pure stupidity.

After taking a moment to talk into what looked like a walkie-talkie, the male bent over a small boom-box and quickly powered it up. After messing with the buttons for a few seconds, the area was filled with the white noise.

From their position, Carl and Michonne could just barely pick up on the noise, but it was getting the attention of the two dozen undead bodies that were once forcing themselves onto the prison gate. After a few moments, the loud groan of the fence almost drowned out the obnoxious sounds of the stereo as the walkers stumbled over each other to get to the source of the sound.

The white haired male stood in a fighting stance, metal baseball bat in his hands, as the horde slowly shuffled toward him. As they moved closer, the male wasn't giving any sign of moving, that is, until three walkers lunged at once, and then laying motionless on the dry grass from a single swing of the bat.

The following minutes proceeded in the same manner. The boy would stand completely still until a zombie would attempt to throw itself at him, only to be knocked over the head with his weapon. His movements were quick and without hesitation, almost as if this was a regular task for the boy.

Carl couldn't think of what would bring someone to face such a large group of walkers alone, but by the way the white-ette was handling himself, the young brunette being less worried as the number of undead in the group lessened until the last one fell over.

     Once the stereo was quieted, the white haired boy jogged up to the gate and grabbed a rather large duffle, one that Carl hadn't even noticed, and dragged it bag into the dense woods from which he came. Popping back into existence momentarily to grab his forgotten stereo before disappearing again.

Carl turned his head to his companion, his eyes filled with disbelief of what he just witnessed. He couldn't understand how anyone could just risk their life like that. His mouth was fixing to make words that came out instead like broken syllables until finally, he was able to form his questions.

"W-What just happened? WHO IS HE!?"

"Well..." Michonne started, scratching the back of her neck as she too was trying to find words to help her younger comrade understand, "That was a routine distraction ... and that boy? He's the reason why this place has yet to be overrun."


I know it's been a REALLY long time since the last update, but I'm finally back. Hope you've enjoyed the chappie, and ultimately next time!

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