Being a field leader

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Pairing: Nightwing X OC!Little Sister


"Arynn?? You'll be running Beta." Dick said as he stopped his little sister.

"Me?? Dick, I've never lead a squad before." She said as she grew excited and nervous about being a leader.

"Making this as an opportunity to get your feet wet as a field leader." He stated as she raised an eyebrow.

"Because it's Beta and you're not excepting trouble?? Or because we're stretch thin and you have no choice??" She snapped as Dick looked down, remembering his adopted brother, Jason Todd, who was killed by Joker.

"Just don't die, okay??" He asked as her eyes widened. Never was she expecting him to say something like that.

"And no unnecessary risks to the team. That's an order." He said as she nodded before leaving the mission briefing room.

"Please, come back safe, sis." He whispered to himself as he watched his 12 year old sister zoom off to Robin, Blue Beetle, and LaGann.

"Ready??" Arynn asked her older brother, Tim, as they both buckled their utility belts.

"You bet, baby sis." He said as he grabbed his Bo staff and she grabbed Nightwing's escrima Sticks.

"You're taking his weapons now?? First, it was the hair gel, then it was his mask, now it's his weapons?? What is up with you and Dick and taking each other's stuff??" Robin rambled as Arynn rolled her eyes and smirked.

"Maybe because I'm faster than he knows." She responded as she walked to the Zeta Tube where there she saw LaGann and Blue Beetle.

"Hey, esa. Got a plan about our problema??" Blue asked as she thought about it.

"Easy, Nightwing told us we need to plant bombs on the Krolotians' Zeta Tubes, so, we sneak these on them, then set the bomb for 5 minutes." She acknowledged as the boys nodded and walked through the Zeta Tube.


Let's just say it went well but not so asterous at the same time. They were able to destroy the Zeta Tubes, but also a whole island. Good thing it was deserted.

"Where's LaGann??" Arynn asked as she looked around for her missing teammate. She screamed loudly as the fish boy popped out of the water.

"That's right!! Beta squad rules!!" He cheered as Arynn sighed in relief. She was almost excited that her mission was a success. Everybody made it out okay, they were able to get the hostages out. But boy did that smile turn upside down when she saw the entire league appear.

She grew afraid and scared that her brother was going to yell at her for not following protocol. But instead something else.

"Dude, way to get your feet wet." He said as she smiled and giggled.


Once everyone was dried and to safety, Arynn sat by a rock with the towel wrapped around her hoodie as she looked at the sunset smoke flowing in the wind.

"What went wrong, Dick??" I asked as I turned to see him standing beside me.

"I don't know, sis. But hey, you did get those people out and not only that but you caught alien so now we can find more of those Krolotians." He said as she looked down and back at the fiery area ahead of her.

"But I don't feel as though I did something wrong. Other than protocol." She said as she looked into the eyes of her brother.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that you're alive and okay."

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