Chapter One

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Mocha Cappuccino. No. Pumpkin Spice Latte. Definitely not. Raspberry Mocha Macchiato. Raspberries are disgusting, Calvin grimaced at the board suspended before him.

He had told himself he'd try something new that day. He could admit it. He wasn't an adventurous person. However as his eyes flickered from one side of the menu to the other, he couldn't picture himself drinking any of the choices without pinching his nose with every sip.

Of course, he could just pick a random item and try it, but that would ruin his campaign against frou-frou coffee drinks through boycotting. That, and he didn't want to waste money if it was going to be horrendous. Better safe than sorry.

Why can't coffee just be coffee? He wondered as the line moved forward, considering a few more options before ultimately giving up. It wasn't meant to be. Maybe next time, he sighed, though his heart wasn't truly in it. He didn't believe himself for a second.

"Calvin!" A familiar, high-pitched shout broke through the sound of countless voices carrying on about who knows what. He looked down, startled that the line had moved that quickly and then back up at the waiting barista. He was next.

"Emily," Calvin cracked a grin at the red-haired, freckle-faced girl as he took the few steps to the counter.

She wiped her hands on the wipe apron that was tied snugly around her neck and waist. "Heading to work?" She asked the same question every day he stopped in before work and like every time, he nodded with a sheepish grin.

"Where else would I go?" He teased.

She tapped her index finger on her bottom lip, feigning deep thought. Finally looking back at him she shrugged. "I don't know. On an adventure."

His mouth twitched. "That's hilarious. You know I don't travel."

"I know, I know. I'm Calvin and I've got bills to pay and coffee to drink. Responsible stuff and more responsible stuff," she mocked him, holding her stomach and laughing. It was all fun and games though. She wasn't jabbing at him to be mean.

He chuckled. "I'll just have my regular."

"Not trying something new today?" She questioned with a kind smile, hoping for a change he just wasn't ready for. He met her warm brown eyes and gave a slight shake of his head, his hand scratching the back of his neck as he kicked his foot out.

At that, she shrugged and typed the order into the register. He handed her the cash, waving her outstretched palm away when she tried to give him the change. She rolled her eyes at his kindness and dropped the change in a jar beside the register. "You know, if you ever get tired of that call center, I can get you a job at a real nice place."

"Would this job involve brewing coffee and working alongside a bubbly redhead?"

A wink was her only response to that. "I'll have that out for you in a second," she chirped, disappearing behind the counter, fiery hair bouncing along. The rattling machines and steam blocked her from his view. He stepped aside, moving to the ledge that read 'pick up'.

Emily had started working there shortly after he'd moved to town two years ago. She had an animated personality and never seemed bothered by the weather, unlike Calvin. She always greeted him with a smile and made it her goal to have him try something new from the menu even though he never did. He considered her a friend, someone he could rely on to be a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day or in that day's case, a snowy day.

He watched the snow outside fluttering to the ground from the tall windows, wondering how much would accumulate. Fog caused by the contrast of temperatures covered the bottom, creeping up the cool glass. He'd missed the news that morning while putting himself together and wished he would've seen the forecast.

His eyes drifted to the walls, passing over the chipped baseboards and window sills painted ivory to accent the faded teal walls. Metal cutouts of coffee mugs in various sizes, shapes, and colors clung to the wall, illuminated by the yellow lights overhead.

Java Jane's was a safe haven. A place to get a freshly brewed cup of coffee and sit at the booth in the corner, the vinyl cracked and worn but still immeasurably comfy.

"Order up!" Emily hollered, grabbing Calvin's attention and leaving the disposable cup on the counter along with a small white paper bag. Without saying another word, she winked and returned to the register where a line was beginning to form again.

With anticipation, he grabbed the cup, relishing in the warmth that thawed his frozen hands, and inhaled the scent. He blew into the opening of the lid before taking a sip; the temperature was just right, and a sigh of contentment escaped his lips.

Flicking his wrist over, he looked at the face of his watch. He didn't have time to sit down. Therefore, he snatched the bag and pushed past the door making his way out into the frigid temperature, hunching his shoulders as the wind struck him.

The snow had started coming down harder at that point; instead of small, dainty flakes, there were gobs of snow hurdling towards him. He put up a hand to attempt blocking them to no avail. He knew where he was parked even without visualizing it, so he began in what he thought was that direction, hoping he'd bump into it eventually.

With the white out, he didn't see or even hear the figure coming towards him as he trudged along. The roar of the wind masked the oncoming footsteps. Without warning, they collided. The lid on the cup popped off, and coffee ran down the front of his coat and ruined the pristine scenery around him. The figure cursed. Turning his head, he could just make out a hat, or...maybe a head with dark hair, bobbing away before he had the chance to apologize.

"Sorry," he called out still, with no response. Even with the blustering gusts, he swore he could smell the faint scent of mint and berries, though he was almost sure no one else was near him.

A few more seconds passed as he stared after them holding his half empty cup of joe, hoping they were alright. Realizing the bag had fallen from his grasp, he bent to retrieve it. He could see something gleaming on the sidewalk through the onslaught of snowflakes. He was amazed that his frozen limbs allowed him to pinch the object between two fingers. Squinting against the cold, he tried to make out its form. Rolling it between his fingers, he found that it was thin. As his eyes focused, he found he was holding a long chain, with a pendant attached.

What an odd thing to find in the middle of a snow storm, he remarked.

When he couldn't stand the iciness any longer, he pocketed it in his dress pants and went in search of his car again. Yanking the keys from his pocket, he hit the alarm button on the key fob, assuming that could pierce through the roar of the wind.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour of searching, the snow thinned, revealing a black sedan no more than five feet from him.

How long did I walk around in circles when it was right here?

Without blinking, he unlocked the vehicle and slid in, closing out the winds. The car wasn't much warmer, but at least he wasn't stuck wandering in the snow anymore. He started the car and with little resistance it kicked over. He reached into the glove department for some napkins, though he was sure the coffee was now frozen to him, and swiped at it anyway.

"So much for that," he muttered, placing the napkins on the passenger seat next to the white bag. He felt a twinge of pain when he caught a glimpse of the golden watch resting on his left wrist, rubbing quickly at his chest he looked away, breathing harshly through pursed lips.

Not today, Calvin. Don't think about it. Breathe, just breathe, he repeated the mantra to himself.

Putting the car in drive, he pulled out and made his way to work, aching for another cup of caffeine to get him through the blistering day. He drove slow, not willing to take a chance of hitting a slick patch on the road. Hitting a telephone pole didn't sound like a good idea to him. As he settled on grabbing the lukewarm coffee at the office, he hoped that morning's event wasn't a precursor to how the day was going to go.   

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