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Do you know the girl named Mary-Jane? She's a mysterious girl the whole town says.

She always has her little black cat with those emerald eyes by her side.

She's always reading a book or walking around town. The girl barely speaks.

She's an orphan. Parents died when she was only five years old. Poor girl.

I saw her once. She was in the woods. Singing a song, had the most precious voice I ever heard. She saw me staring at her. Eyes staring at me but her eyes weren't showing terror. She smiled and put her pale finger near her cherry bright lips and ran off.

You're probably wondering how she looks like by now. She has black short hair. She's pale and very skinny. She has beautiful ocean eyes. The whole town wants to be her or date her. A precious pearl if i do say so myself.

I went back to the woods. I saw her with her cat. She was on a boulder, petting her cat and had a book with her. She looked up and saw me. She smiled and signaled me to come over by petting the spot next to her. I went over and sat.

"Why are you by yourself?"I asked. She looked up and got a notebook and pencil from a little brown basket by her side. She wrote something down and gave the notebook to me.

It read, "I'm not alone. I'm with you and Belle."

I looked up and asked, "Who's Belle?"
She pointed her hand at the cat. I nodded and kept looking at her. She looked so sad. I wanted to make her happy. So i sat with her 'till noon when she got her notebook out and wrote down something.

The note read,"I have to go. See you tomorrow!:)" I smiled and nodded. I walked with her 'till we got back to town.

People stared at my with astonishment surprised that anyone besides Belle was by her side. We finally got back to the orphanage and i waved goodbye to her. She smiled and did the same hand gesture. I went back home and went to sleep dreaming about Mary-Jane.

I went to meet Mary-Jane and Belle at the woods everyday. Until one day she didn't arrive. There was a note. I went to see it and saw what it read.

It read," Dear _________,
I will miss you dearly. I can not tell you why i left but once we meet again I may. I hope that you will have a happy life without me.
Love, Mary-Jane❤

I cried the whole day. The whole town asked questions,"Where's Mary-Jane?" "What have you done with poor Mary-Jane?" I would simply answer "Gone."

I never married anyone. My heart belonged to Mary-Jane. I never saw her. To this day forward the whole town, even me, wonders, what happened to our poor Mary-Jane.

Hi! I really enjoyed writing this! It was so good. I want to write and alternative ending to this story!alright my beautiful readers i'll see yah later!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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