We're All In This Together!

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It was a typical day in the Kingdom Of Corona, and Jack Frost  was playing with all the children who believed in him. Merida shooting arrows. Hiccup was flying with his pet dragon,Toothless. Rapunzel was braiding her gorgeous hair of hers. Suddenly, they heard screams of people running away. They all raced to see what had happened. What they saw was horrifying, it was Pitch! They couldnt believe their eyes. "Oh no!" said Merida. "I got this." said Jack Frost. "No!" said Rapunzel,"You can't,We're all in this together!'Then they all ran up to Pitch.Jack Frost used his ice staff to shoot ice. Merida used her bow n arrow to shoot Pitch. Rapunzel rapped her gorgeous blonde hair around Pitch. But just then, he dispeared into the dust. "Now what?" said Merida. "I dont really know." a voice called out.

                                  Sorry they are soooo short!! I dont really have enough time! soooo!

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