Domestic Life in London for the Winchesters

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       When Sam told Dean about the dinner plans the next morning, he was far from glad.

       "We have a case to work Sam!" He protested.

       "Dean, a day ago you didn't even want to take the case." Sam pointed out, and Dean glared at him.

       "Exactly!" He responded. "The sooner we gank this monster, the sooner we can get back to the good ol' land of the free." Sam gave him a hard look.

       "We're going, and that's final, Dean. These people have been nice enough to invite us to dinner, and I'm not going to make a bad impression just because you're having a fit." Knowing that any more arguing was pointless, Dean turned and walked away.

       "I'm gonna take a shower." He grumbled over his shoulder. Sam sat on the small couch in the center of the room for a few minutes before sighing and grabbing his jacket. He didn't really want to deal with Dean anymore, and was prepared to go explore London when Cas suddenly appeared in the room. Sam mentally accepted the fact that privacy was no longer an option in his life and tried to seem like he wasn't annoyed by it.

       "Yes, Cas?"

       "I looked into the case." Was all he said, and Sam gestured for him to go on. Having Cas' help on a case was rare. Not because he didn't want to help, but the angel was always so busy and only stepped in unprompted when he thought the boys were in danger. This fact made Sam extremely curious about why Cas had decided to help this time.

       "What I've gathered so far is that it's a demon. A very powerful demon." The angel said, walking closer to Sam as he did so and pulling out a piece of paper from his trench coat. "This is a list that I have found of ingredients that will be needed to kill him. Of course, I don't actually know if it will work." Sam glanced at the list and immediately gave Cas a questioning look.

       "This list is in Enochian." He pointed out.

       "I'm aware." Cas replied dryly. "I am currently working on a translation into your native tongue that would still make sense." Sam nodded and turned to get his computer. He sat down on the couch in the flat's living room and opened it, looking up at Cas expectantly.

       "What's the demon's name?" He prompted.

       "Agaroth." Said Cas, walking around the couch until he was standing in front of Sam. "Heaven has been buzzing lately about his escapades in London, though nobody knows what his motives are. He will be the most powerful demon you and Dean have encountered so far, yet with the right ingredients, the easiest to kill." Sam had typed the name into his search bar and was scrolling through the results as Cas spoke. He looked up when the angel went silent and followed his gaze to Dean, who had just entered the room wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. Cas' face turned slightly red, which was as flustered as Sam had ever seen him, and he pretended to turn his attention back to the computer. Dean had opened his mouth, likely to continue the argument he and Sam had been having earlier, but the words caught in his throat when he realized Cas' presence.

       "I'm gonna get dressed." He said after a few beats of silence, his voice gruff, and retreated back the way he came. The room stayed silent until Dean walked back into the room wearing jeans and a white t-shirt, forcedly casual as he moved to see what was on his brother's computer screen.

       "Agaroth?" he asked.

       "A very powerful demon, apparently. I can't find much online, but there's a list for ingredients to make something to kill him. It's in Enochian, so Cas is translating it." Sam summarized, and Dean nodded.

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