Chapter 13: The Pain Of A Demon, and Falling For The Sibling

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*The day before, Laurel's POV*

I was in my last day of detention. Finally, the torture is almost at a close. I can't look my brother in the eyes. It hurts too much. Its not the sex with Ciel, or the abandonedment issues, it was the fact of how scared I was of him.

I was wiping off the chalk board, as Sebastian approached me, my hands began shaking. You see, after we got drunk that night, Sebastian chewed me out. He was so angry his eyes turned to their demonic side. He was even more pissed when he found out I drove to the liquor store while intoxicated.

"We need to talk." Sebastian said, full of concern.

"No we don't. We have nothing to discuss." I said, holding back my tears. It was barely audible.

"Yes we do." Sebastian said.

"Let me make this stunningly clear. We don't have to talk ever again." I was trying to hold back my tongue of what I was thinking, but I couldn't. "While I was being beaten. While I screamed in pain, you were fucking someone a thousand years younger than you."

I pushed past him, tears struggling out. That must've hurt, but so did being left behind. He hasn't cared about me, he doesn't care.

I went to my locker, to touch up my make up. All these tears have made my face red. I could hear snickering from across the hall. I slammed my locker shut and approached them.

"You don't want to mess with me today." I warned. 

"Why hello scar face." Hannah teased.

I pinned her against the wall and whispered in her ear. "Call me by my real name."

"I don't remember you though." Hannah admitted.

I pulled away. "Laurel Michaelis. I've known you since third grade. I was forced to be your chemistry partner this semester."

"Let her go." Angela threw me across the hall. I was dazed, but aware enough to realize she was choking me. I kicked at her, but she would not let go. I tried to get at her neck, but couldn't reach. My face was turning blue, and I knew I would pass out soon.

Suddenly, I saw a purple boot fly across her chin. I began coughing and gasping for air. Mali and Raven lifted me off the ground and I saw Alois standing high and proud.

"Bitch!" Angela growled.

"You either take us all on, or you walk away." Raven replied with a grin.

They sneered at us then walked away. We let out a sigh of relief. I'm guessing we all knew if we fought them, we would be in detention for the rest of our lives. And for most of us, that is eternity.

"Thanks guys, you saved my ass." I praised.

"Why is it always you getting beat up?" Mali teased.

"Why are you guys out of detention?" I changed the subject after glaring at her.

"Mr. Michaelis let us out early." Raven replied. "We don't know why."

"It must've been serious." Alois added. "He was crying over his desk."

Those words sank my heart. He was crying? I pushed my friends out of the way, with a blank look on my face. Oh my god, what have I done? I approached the closed door, and opened it. Sebastian was sobbing over his desk, running his hands through his hair.

"S-Sebastian?" I asked.

"Laurel." Sebastian spoke, poking his head up. He really was crying, his cheeks were wet, and blotchy. He stared at me with hate, but not for me. But for himself.

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