28. Maggie :o

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@maggielindemann  Say what you want but Maddie is a fake bîtch that uses people so have fun with her 😌

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@maggielindemann  Say what you want but Maddie is a fake bîtch that uses people so have fun with her 😌

Likes 249K | Comments 31K | 👤 Missmaddieandrewz 

@username  Slayyy

@username2  Maddie is such a fake bîtch for using the boys

@skatemaloley  Hard to believe you could be any more fake but was proved wrong...

@username3  @madisonbeer Friendship goals. That maddie needs to f*ck off

@jackj  You wanna say bullish*t about my best friend you go through me!

@hayesgrier  ^ Seriously get your own life! Stop living off of Maddie 🙄

@camerondallas  "I knew you were trouble when you walked in..." #sorrynotsorry

@username4  ^ only cameron 😂

@madisonbeer  @username3 Aw thanks babe ❤️ And my girl is looking hot! Throw that shade 😏

@sampottorff  YOU F***ING BÎTCH!! I can't believe we were EVER friends!

@sammywilk  ^ WHAT THE OTHER SAM SAID!! Will be HAPPY to drop you...

@username5  Why are they even defending that slut?! Ugh she is so fake...

@missjuliakelly  YOU ME AND MADS HAVE BEEN FRIENDS THE LONGEST!! How could you just betray a lifetimes worth of friendship like that?! Wow, just wow...

@jackgilinsky  Guys have you heard from Mads? This is serious

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