Chapter 1 - Part 1

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"Ezra! Can you believe this time next week, we will both have graduated?!" Jurnee squealed through the phone.

Finally everything was going according to plan. Ezra would move home, they'd get good jobs near each other, get engaged, rent an apartment together while saving money for a house, get married, have two perfectly adorable children, retire at 60, and travel the country in an RV every summer just like her parents. She'd been planning this since they met seven years ago and could not wait. Finally her life could begin.

"Yea, babe. It'll be sweet. Can't wait to see you when I get home."

"Are we doing gifts or keeping it casual?"

"You really don't need to get me anything. Seeing you every day is more than I could ask for."

Jurnee couldn't hide her beaming face. "Ezra is the perfect boyfriend," she thought to herself. "I really should get him something... but what?"

Before she had time to finish her thought, her mom called from downstairs.

"Jurneeeeeee! Dinner!"

"Genie, I have to go. Mom's calling for dinner. Love you."

"You know I hate when you call me Genie."

"I know." But she loved his middle name, Eugene.

"Love you, babe."

"Goodnight, Ezra." She said as she tapped the screen to disconnect.

Jurnee's phone wallpaper flashed and the photo from sophomore homecoming appeared. She couldn't help but think how young they looked. Her long brown curly hair perfectly contrasted by the deep cerulean dress. Ezra's tie even matched. It had been the perfect evening. One day she'd show the picture to their children and grandchildren and tell them how that was the day he'd first said he loved her.

"Jurnee! It's getting cold, sweetheart!" This time her dad was calling. Uh oh.

Running downstairs, the delicious smell of fresh lasagna hit her all at once.

"I made your favorite. We're just so proud of you! I can't believe my baby, my Jurnee, is graduating from college."

"Mommmmm. There's literally thousands of people graduating next week. IT's not like it's some rare accomplishment."

"But not all of them are out little Jurnee," her dad chirped in.

"You guys are crazy, but I love you."

"Hey! What about me!" Griffin, her younger brother, sat down at the table and immediately cut a heaping slice for himself.

"Love you too, squirt. But that's my slice." Jurnee leaned across the table to take the spatula from him.

"On guard!" he lifted his dinner knife as a sword, challenging her to a dual.

"You're insane, you know." She said as she began slicing a fresh serving.

"Learned from you, sis."

Their parents, Corbin and Kelsey, glanced at each other and smiled as their eyes met. Out of the corner of their eyes, Griffin was shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"Uh uh uh, young man. Grace." Kelsey scolded him.

Griffin put down his spoon as they joined hands and bowed their heads. Corbin began, "Our heavenly Father, thank you so much for the blessings you have bestowed upon us. Thank you for my wonderful wife and this incredible meal that she has prepared. Thank you for our smart and gorgeous daughter who will be a college graduate next week. Thank you for our wonderful and talented son. Thank you Lord for this day and we ask your continued guidance and blessings. In Jesus name -"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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