No Matter What // Zayn Malik

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Olivia has had a crush on Zayn Malik from the moment she laid eyes on him, and I mean could you blame her? He was the Bradford Bad Boi with his dark brown eyes, and sweet but rare smile. He had a great singing voice. Or so she was told. Olivia was deaf. Plain and simple. Never heard her own voice, her laugh, or heard her brother Josh Devine play the drums. It was heartbreaking. She felt broken, and helpless. She saw her disability as a curse. Can she maybe look past her insecurities and look at herself the way Zayn sees her?     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Author: lostinparadise25

Status: Completed

Even though I haven't read the whole thing yet, it's still very good so far. I love how it's a deaf girl (not that I like people being deaf) falling for Zayn :)

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