Chapter 2

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"Wake up Jack !"

What the fuck was that ! The scenery started fading away as I came back to my senses. It was dark, I started wondering if I had gone blind. No, I hadn't, my eyes just had to accustom themselves to the sudden light change.

As I looked around, I could start seeing a few people around me, I could recognize the Hed knight, Sir Bertolius, my childhood friend, Greg, and the members of my room. It seemed that I had been brought to my bed.

"éWake up Jack, what the fuck are you doing !" Greg shouted

"Watch your language young man ! Bertolius responded, Jack, you have been asleep for three days, It is the day of your knighthood ceremony and the chieftain's daughter's start of her quest."

"Lift me up Greg."

I stood up and started changing from my changing clothes to the ceremonial vests. I can still remember the eeling of the white silky gloves on my hand, the sight of the blue tailcoat which covered a simple white shirt. Those were the days. I had trouble walking so Greg supported me till the start of the private ceremony. The road to the inner hall seemed infinitely long with winding staircases and long halls. After what seemed years, wefinally arrived to two big ornate doors. These doors are maybe the only objects of value that survived the Calamity. The two guards nodded to us and openedthe doors. Inside, huge fires were burning, covering the faces of SIr Bertolius, the other Head knights, the chieftain and his wife with shadows. There were great pillars supporting the heavy roof making the hall seem much smaller than it really is. In the middle was the 'Princess', as we used to call her since we had rarely seen her before. That was the first time I could take a close look at her, Lorayne Rhodia, she was quite beautiful, with high rosy cheek bones, red curly hair and blue eyes. The only problem I could see was that she gave off an air of wanting and thinking she was able to do everything herself. I took place beside her waiting for the ceremony to start. 

"Receptaries, one knee on the floor." chieftain Rhodia said. His voice seemed awfully loud compared to the eerie silence that reigned just before. 

We kneeled before the chieftain as he started walking towards us.

"Lorayne Rhodia, my ..................

I must leave you on these few notes, we are in immediate danger. I know not when I shall be able to share the rest of this story with you. 

Until then look for the clues I have given you, find out where we are trapped. And hurry, we might not survive for much longer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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