[2]Claude Faustus

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Picture doesn't belong to me


1. Every time he enters a room shout ' SPIDER!!! KILL IT! KILL IT!'

2. Talk to him about your life problems every day

3. Kill spiders in front of him and get rid of all the spiderwebs

4. Call him Sebastian and when he reminds you that he isn't Sebastian , look suprised and ask if they are long lost twins

5. Ask him why he is copying Sebastian

6. Get pigeons in the mansion

7. Tell him that Hannah and the triplets are way better than him

8. Ask him if he learned tap dancing from a clown

9. Every time he tap dances shout 'LAME' and throw tomatoes at him

10. Introduce him to Grell and the Undertaker

11. Tell Alois that Claude looks plain and he should wear more neon clothing and should dye his hair every week

12. Get a crow call it Sebastian and take it everywhere

13. Randomly tell him that he looks like a Sebastian wannabe

14. When Sebastian and Claude stare at each other tell Claude that it is rude to stare at someone superior like that

15. Ask Claude why he can't do anything by himself and has to order the others to do it

16. Steal all the silverware

17. Every time he throws knives shout furiously 'YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR  NEW ONES'

18. Call him a good for nothing and ask him why he can't do anything right

19. Every time you pray tell Claude to join you

20. Talk about how important good is and how magnificent angels are while he's cleaning

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