The Oshawott Pack

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I have decided that Nina Dobrev will be Rose in my story. :)

Normal. What is normal? Is it waking up everyday going to school, coming back and doing homework, eat, then sleep? Or is it when you have been in a tribe your whole life not going to school but learning how to fight and deal with people who come to invade your home? Kinda makes you question if you were ever meant to be normal or just someone who is different then anyone else and you don't fit with anyone anywhere.

My whole life I've been stuck in the Forest of Howling Winds, not knowing what's out there. I'm not alone thought at least. How could I not be thought right, especially when you wake up to howling everyday. We all live in this small village with tall oak wooden planks serving as a barrier. As for our houses, the pack leader built it out of bricks and stone he got from other tribes. They're small but simple. We're the Oshawott tribe we're the first pack but we're kind of strong and kind of weak at the same time.

I live near the village gate with my caretakers. Its obviously the pack leader and his mate. They're stern but kind and I can tell that they want what's best for the tribe and our well being. The pack leader is Xander. Xander Mcpherson. Hes the strongest of our pack and he's well the alpha. His mate, her name is Maria, and I love her as if she was my own mother. She's very beautiful with her long brown hair, tan skin, and beautiful brown  eyes.

Xander is handsome in his own way. We have this father daughter relationship and when I was little I remember he used to pick me up and put me on his shoulders and flexed his muscle. He has black hair that stands up on its own and chocolate brown eyes and pale skin as well a tattoo on left arm of 2 rings and he's kind of buff and really talk like 6ft

They are both werewolves and I have seen what  they look like. Xander as a wolf has grey and white fur with red eyes that show that he's in control that turn black when ever he isn't barking orders. Get it, hahahah Maria has brown fur with a little bit of black on her chest and they're huge dogs and I mean HUGE!

I of course can't change into a wolf yet . Maria says it's all about acceptance and learning that this is how we were born "so please deal with it", she told me. Yeah, I don't think a normal human would be able to transform into a giant dog!

I sit here in my room thinking everyday about how to accept that I'm going to be a wolf, and that everyday this is how we are born, but I just can't seem to wrap my mind around it.

Xander comes in my room and sits down on the bed.

"Hey", he says softly.

"Hey", I reply sitting up on my red and black sheets.

"Why aren't you outside", Xander asks raising his black eye brow

"I just I'm trying to figure out how to accept the fact that I'm going to be a wolf", I say with a troubled face.

"You just do. We've been raising you for 17 almost 18 years now and you still have a lot to learn", he says messing up my brunette locks.

"Hey I just curled my hair you know", I smile throwing a pillow at him

Xander smiles back taps my arm, "C'mon why don't you hang out with your best friend Alisia".

"Good idea", I say smiling and get off of my bed grabbing my black leather jacket and black sneakers. I'm already wearing blue jeans and a white shirt but Maria told me earlier that it was kind of chilly today so that's why I'm wearing a jacket.

I walk outside and see that in the center of the village is the bonfire that we have when we eat dinner. Surrounded by small brick houses. There's stairs to the left that lead to the village look out. Its got an amazing view but one of the pack members is up there watching.

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