I'm not sure if you want me to be sad

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Ok so here's another rant.

Why do parents gets so annoyed with things and take it out on you?

It's not your fault they had a bad day at work or don't like the way the world is!

They'll come home and tell at you for some minor thing, complain about how your such a fucking slob ,  and I'm just like:

    "Hey, I'm not the one that wanted kids! I didn't get to choose to be born or had any say in your parenting skills! Why are you yelling?!? If you don't like me ya should have thought about that before giving birth!!!"

But I know not to say this because anger is only temporary and can easily screw up your life if you let it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2017 ⏰

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