John's Treatment

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      "So how long do I have to live doc?" said John to the doctor. The doctor told John that you have at least 2 months to live,but then the doctor said "or you can try this new treatment we have" but in a questioning way,with a kind of evil grin on his face.

John was quick to say "Yes as long as it keeps me alive!". John's face was filled with glee and excitement, he even started to cry tears of joy, but the only person who was suspicious about the treatment was his wife, Carin. She tried to talk to John about it saying

¨We have to be careful or this treatment can kill you before the cancer does.¨ Carin expression had nothing but fear and concern, she had always been worried about John's health because John's family's had a history of heart cancer and that's how his father passed away a year ago. Carin said"We'll see if he will take the treatment". Carin pulled john out of the office and John said

"We'll talk about this over the phoneeee" While he is being dragged out of the doctors office, John said "What was that all about?" Carin said

"How do you know this is gonna work" Carin said

"I don't want to lose you" she said with her eyes watering up,John just agreed with her and called the doctor to see how the treatment worked and how people reacted after the treatment.John call the doctor the next morning to watch a tape of how it worked. John said after reviewing the tape

"It seems good" but Carin said it was something off with this video so she watched it day and night until she could find something...........

"I FINALLY FOUND IT!" she screamed.Carin had found that there was a solution that went with the treatment but the doctor never told them.The side effects of the solution we're unknown so Carin stayed up and searching all night long about this solution. That night she found something very reliable she found that the solution could turn you into a blanked mined person withzombie like ways.

The side effects said "IF YOU TAKE THIS FOR MORE THAN A MONTH YOU WILL HAVE BRAIN MALFUNCTIONS AND LOSS OF THOUGHTS" Carin gasped and had to tell John, but John was already on his way to the doctor's office for his first day of the treatment.Carin tried calling him but it went straight to voicemail, So Carin rushed to the doctor's office to meet up with John. Carin is going at least 75 mph to get to the hospital..... Finally when Carin get's to the office John is already done with his first day of treatment and already took the solution for the day. Carin face filled with nothing but fear and disbelief. She asked John

"Did you already take the solution?"

John replied with a "yes" with a smile on his face but he sees how Carin is looking so he asked " what's wrong?" with his smile turning into a frown as Carin just showed him the side effects with tears streaming down her face, but as they we're looking she saw another side effect on the bottle that she never seen, it read

"ALSO CAN CAUSE HEART FAILURE,AS WELL AS KIDNEY FAILURE". The tears from Carin started to rush down her face even faster. That's when John started to cry with her and he said

" I Guess i'm a dead man" wiping his tears trying to be a man about it. Later that night John had a plan that they have to do something about this solution and it's side effects. So John came up with a plan that he would bring the side effects up with the doctor and if he denies that it's true, He and Carin are gonna have to steal the formula from all the hospitals in the town and John thought to himself *there are a lot of hospitals in Minneapolis Minnesota * But John asked

" how are we even gonna do this?" Carin is just stuck with confusion,but she said that she would do a lot of research that night. Turns out she did find something very valuable she found that this treatment is only in Minneapolis and Carin started to grin. Carin knew it"s was gonna be a hard job so she decided that they needed to break in the hospital at night

* But something they didn't know is that North Memorial was heavy on security at night *

So she woke up John and they rushed to North Memorial. Carin thought This is gonna be a piece of cake but John was sweating and shaking with fear, So she rushed to North Memorial even faster with vengeance on her face. When she pulled up she seen there was two guards in the front, four guards in the back and 3 on each of the other sides of the building. Carin still had anger in her heart so she was ready to steal the formula even if she had to die while doing it. So she got John out of the car and told him " come on!" he was hesitant but he came. They snuck in the hospital, and got past most of the front guards but they were spotted. Sheen they got spotted they hid in the doctor's office. While they were hiding Carin was looking for some evidence or anything about the treatment. She found a folder saying all of the people the treatment killed and turned into a blank minded person. When Carin found the folder full of evidence the guards bursted in the door and shot a fun three times. Carin and John were running down the hall Of North Memorial and all they heard were in shots, but Carin heard their footsteps while they were running, she heard John's footsteps stop and she turned around and saw........... John was on the floor with three gunshot wounds and the doctor over him with a gun to his head, while a guard was sneaking behind Carin with a gun ,but Carin felt someone was coming behind her so the tackled him and took his gun and she pointed the gun in the doctor's direction and Carin said "it's either you, me, or all of us"

*POW* Carin was the only survivor that night Carin shot the doctor, the doctor shot John and that was the end. Even though John died Carin still got revenge for John and shut down North Memorial hospital with a case that was open for 4 years but she was the only one to have all of the evidence. Now Carin lives a life where she has a John research program for Lung Cancer living for John.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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