Chapter 20

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It had been a couple of months after Chris had come back to work and Eva and Chris had just settled in to their new routine, get up, shower, go to work, spend the whole day flirting and kissing (as well as actually working), go to the Crab Shack with the others and then go home. Once a week they would go on a date and spent the whole time discussing wedding plans. They both wanted a summer wedding on the beach, nothing to extravagant and they wanted their closest friends and family there with them.

Eva was lying in bed, admiring her ring when she felt Chris stir from beside her. She turned to face him with a grin on her face.
"Good morning babe"
"Good morning sweetheart"
He went to press a kiss to her lips but before their lips met she pulled away slightly and ran to the bathroom, puking her guts up. Chris shot up out of bed and followed her to the bathroom.
"Are you okay baby?" Eva nodded slightly and stood up. 
"It must have been the steak from last night, but don't worry, I already feel better"

Chris nodded but was still concerned about her.
"Okay but if you feel the slightest bit dizzy or sick tell me and I'll drive you home, it could be the flu and you know you can't stay at work if you're ill"
Eva rolled her eyes but smiled at the concern from her fiancé. She let him shower first and she sat on the bed, grabbing her phone to text Serena.

To: Serena
Hey, can I ask you a favour? Before you get to work can you buy me something? I'll pay you back of course, I just can't buy it myself, not when I'm with Chris.

She sighed and set her phone down. Her emotions were a mess, she didn't know how to feel. She had been feeling ill for a few days now and she didn't know what to do, her period was two weeks late and she felt really hormonal. She was scared, she knew the symptoms. A few minutes later, her phone dinged, notifying her of Serena's reply.

From: Serena
Omg say no more, I know exactly what you're talking about! Do you want me to buy a couple? Just in case, and I'll put them in your locker. The combo is still your anniversary right?

To: Serena
OMG! You're a lifesaver thank you. I'm not even sure, it's just a precaution. 2 should do, just tell me how much they cost and I'll pay you back and yes, my combo is still my anniversary

From: Serena
Nonsense! It can be an early wedding present ;)

Eva chuckled at Serena's reply and set her phone down as the water from the bathroom stopped. She stood up and went to join Chris in the bathroom. She looked at his abs and bit her lip.
"You might want to stop staring at me like that, we'll be late for work"
Eva snapped her head back up to look at his face and blushed when he winked at her.
"Oh shush, let me shower and then we'll go to work okay?"

Luckily, they arrived at work on time. Eva headed straight for the break room where she saw Serena.
"I got 3, just in case, they're in your locker now, I just managed to get them in before Proctor came in. I didn't tell him in case it's a false alarm"
"Thank you Serena! You're a lifesaver. I'll go do them when I get a break, will you come with me, I don't want to do it alone"
Serena looked like a kid at Christmas and nodded enthusiastically.
"It'll be my pleasure, as your maid of honour"

Chris looked over to his fiancé to see her deep in conversation with Serena and chuckled, they were probably discussing wedding plans. Chris thought back to the day that Eva asked Serena to be her maid of honour, Chris thought the blonde was about to explode she looked so happy. Laughing at the memory he walked over to where they were both sat.

"It's quiet today so after I get back from my rounds do you fancy talking wedding plans again or do you need a bit of a break?" He asked his fiancé, still concerned about her after that morning.
"I think I'm going to sit in the toilets for a bit because I still feel a bit sick. I'll take Serena with me so you don't have to worry. When I come back we'll talk wedding plans yeah?"
Chris nodded and pressed a kiss to Eva's forehead and walked out the door. Eva went to her locker and pulled out the bag that Serena had put in there that morning. She beckoned for the blonde to follow her and headed to the toilets.

When they got there, Eva read the instructions thoroughly, wanting to make sure she did it right. Yes she was a doctor, but when it came to something like this, she was as inexperienced as a child. She went into the cubicle, did what she had to do and then exited, placing all three down and sitting on the floor with Serena, her stomach in knots. She set the timer on her phone for three minutes and sat there, knees drawn up to her chest, biting her bottom lip.
"What do I do?" She whispered, her voice cracked from the unshed tears.
"Eva, Chris will love you either way, do you really think he'll leave you?" Eva shook her head, she knew better.
"But...but what if we're not ready?" She sniffled, tears starting to leak out of her eyes.

"Well, do you want it or not?" Serena asked as she wrapped her arms around her brunette friend. Eva looked at Serena, not needing to answer the question verbally, she knew her face said it all. The timer went off and Eva stood up, going to look at the three tests. Each one had a little pink cross on it.
"Well? What does it say?" The blonde asked curiously
"I...I'm pregnant" Eva turned round to the blonde with tears pouring down her face.

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