In the silence of the night

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The dying fire which barely could heat the living room was yet still strong enough to paint dancing shadows on her hand. Deep in thoughts and sleeplessly she looked at the nightly waltz and wondered if Hannibal next doors could get any rest. After all he's been through today he sure as hell needed some, but she doubted that he wasn't sleeping with one eye open as he always did.
Frightened of how she already was poisoned by Hannibal again and how he still managed to cloud up her mind even after all this time, she went to the bathroom to splash some cold water into her face.
The running liquid rushed loudly in the deadly silence the night had tucked the cottage in and in the dim moonlight that entered the little bathroom window, she looked like death. Pale. Her eyes dull. She could've claimed that she didn't know the person in the mirror, but she knew her all too well.
With a numbing certainty and a fatal aim it struck her that she's always been who she was when she was with him. Hannibal didn't reprogram her whole mind. There must have been a base there all along and all he did was built a house on top of it for them to live their predators life in. Brick by brick. Murder by murder.
In her panic attack air felt way too thin and her hands which she just had washed looked dirty, but no matter how hard she tried, the blood only she was able to see wouldn't come off. The sad truth was, she'd killed that real estate agent and all the others. Hannibal didn't make her do that. Heck, he wasn't even there when she...
She cried out breathlessly and sunk to the black and white tiled floor.
For half of an eternity she sat there in the dark and tried to steady her breathing pattern and her tumbling mind.
"Anna!" She heard Hannibal saying her name over and over again and it took her some time to realise that his voice wasn't in her head.
She got rid of the tears on her cheeks with the rough wool of her jumper and stepped through the second wooden door of the bathroom.
The lamp on the bedside table was the only light in the small bedroom and Anna who was blinded by the sudden fake sun almost didn't noticed the little diamonds of perspiration on Hannibal's face before he turned his face into the shadows.
With calling out her name again he reminded her of the abnormality of the whole situation and encouraged her to step closer.
Something was wrong. She's been spent enough sleepless nights next to Hannibal to be able to tell and was certain as soon as he started to mumble in Italian.
"We need to get out of the city! De Luca! Anna! De Luca!"
With those words alone he took her down memory line, all the way back to Florence, when she still was Anna Rinaldi and he was Matteo Leone and their world was whole until that night which Hannibal seemed to be reliving in his dreams.
He threw himslef from one side to his other and came to a shivering halt as soon as she'd blinked away the movie from the past and touched his forearm. Scared by the feverish heat under her fingertips she backed off a little just to discover the blood which was painting weird patterns onto the innocent white sheets.
Anna pulled them away and wished she wouldn't have. Hannibal was an excellent surgeon but even he was unable to predict the outcome of a treatment, especially if the act of stitching up was proceeded in the environment they were in. He shouldn't have used her fishing equipment but then he had have no other choice and in the circumstances it'd been an intelligent decision.
Still Anna stared at a nasty infected and not stopping bleeding wound.
She pushed away the thought that'd crossed her mind for one second, ran into the living room and grabbed her phone hoping the signal wouldn't fail her. There was only one man that was able to help now and she hoped he still was a friend despite the things that have happened between the three of them.
But before Anna could ask for the favour, knocks on her wooden door mixed with the ringing tone and instead of Emanuele she heard Jack calling out her name.

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