The Last Stretch of Criminality

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The weekend ended and the week went on. We were now on the 13th, which meant that we needed to start packing our stuff. I packed four shorts, two for walking around and the other two to swim, one pair of trousers, two t-shirts and underwear. Unlike the year before, I didn't pack any formal outfit, since I had realized that no one cared with what I wore. And it actually made no sense to pack it.

I and Thomas were very close (we were best friends since the 7th grade) and I knew the rest of the group since last year, and they seemed to like me. In the third day, it seemed like I had met them in the 7th grade too! Besides, everybody had their style and those who wore anything that was remotely close to formal didn't consider those "vacations" formal. Neither did they, neither did I.

I also packed my gun (to show it off to my friends), my computer, toothbrush, phone charger and a few other things.

While I was doing that, Hannah was putting similar things in her suitcase. When I saw her pack some dossiers and files, I asked:

- What is that?

- Hm? Oh, this? It's just some files and dossiers.

- Seriously, Einstein? - The sarcasm was over the roof. - I didn't know... What I mean is: why are you packing it?

- To work? - I looked at the ceiling and said:

- Ah. For God sake. Imma need to rephrase it a second time... You said you would work overtime so we could go!

- You wanna guess how that went?

- What do you mean?

- Don't you remember? - It came to me in a flash.

She didn't work overtime that whole week, saying that she would work what she still had left at night. And, given her reputation of falling asleep exactly at midnight, I guess that didn't go that well... She only worked what she needed to do for the week, and was missing those 3 days.

- So you're saying you're gonna have to work on the 3 days in which we supposedly go on vacations... 

- Exactly. - She nodded. 

- You still have this day... Can't you start working on it and enjoy those 3 days with me and them?

- Of course I can, but I will probably not finish it today. 

- And can I help you in any way? 

- I don't think so. Look, - she said while putting her hand on my shoulder. - I get that you're worried, but you don't need to be. If I didn't have anything to do, I would either be bored or anxious, so I guess this is good. 

- Yeah, you're probably right. Still, I feel bad for you.

- Don't! Don't you guilt trip me. I'm gonna take it and that's it.

- OK. I said nothing... Ignore my words. - I turned my back to hers. I wasn't mad at her and she wasn't mad at me, don't worry. We loved each other a lot, and we both liked to talk calmly and with sarcasm, so we both assumed that anything remotely bad was just a joke.

It might not seem like a healthy habit, but it is since we knew when there were actual serious conversations, which was good. Now that we got that out of the way, let's continue with our story.

The day passed. I went for a little walk around town while Hannah stayed in the house working. When I came home, I brought her some coffee. She packed the rest of the documents that were needed for the following day,s we got in our car and left towards the summer house. 

We had a calm 2-hour trip, without counting the last stretch. It seemed like a never ending maze. We got lost, and to get out that situation, we broke a few traffic laws. We got pulled over by a cop, that chased us for 2 minutes, almost crashed into a tree because of a stupid U-turn and almost hit over a lady that had black hair and sunglasses, and was dressed very formally, but with way too much clothing. I was pretty sure at that moment I knew her but wasn't quite sure from where.

We got there in time for lunch. I looked at the beautiful white "mansion" and said to Hannah:

- Shall we?

Author's note: If you haven't realized yet, I'm making the story up as I go, so I apologize if it sounds confusing. Hope you are liking! Btw, this chapter included two things that are gonna be important for the future of this story. Which ones do you think it is? Write your predictions down in the comments and see you tomorrow-ish? Bye ;)

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