The detention

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Piper's pov

(Cat:good lucking getting throught the day. piper: wait no do a timeskip. Cat: Do I have toooooooo. Piper: yes!!!!. Cat: Until now I have never met a person who timeskips BY CHOICE to detention. Piper:Ikr. Cat:don't agree with me!!! You know what screw it!)

~cue le timeskip sponsered by Iggy's massive (catterpillars) eyebrows (MABEY IT'S MAKE BELIEVE!!)~
I arrived at detention it was saturday one. I begged the teacher to make it last all day. Cat and Indigo are currently hitting me on the head saying "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!!!"  I dragged them along to detention. We arrived an hour early. "UGHHH WHY ARE WE EARLY!!!!" Cat and Indgo screamed. I looked at them in the eye and said. " I took the teachers phone and texted him and myself to be a hour early OR ELS!!! Than I deleted the messages on his phone to make him think he never sent them and than I put it back! So me and senpai can be alone together!!!" I yelled. I squeld and blood gushed out of my nose. Cat and Indigo looked at me with wtf faces. "Senpai..." I said in a golam voice.

I got to school and saw senapi. I climbed through the window. I looked at his back and blushed. I wonder what it would look like without a shirt. Hehehehehe. Blood trickled from my nose. I quickly stuffed a tissue in my nose.

I must of been caught staring because he looked (down) at me. I blushed fifty shades of red. He walked over to me and pulled me through the window (it was open.)
He leaned his face close to mine and said " take a picture it will last longer." I blushed again and looked down. "Oh fuck you BUG" he smirked and said "anytime" he winked.
I blushed.

He leaned his face closer and closer to mine. I closed the gap between us and our lips met. He kissed back. (Cat and Indigo: GO PIPER GO THE SHIP IS ALIVE!!!") OMG SENPAI IS KISSING ME!!!!!!! Blood gushed out of my nose and went all over senpai. I fainted from the lack of blood in my body. Luckily senpai caught me. But that made more blood gush out. It was at that moment that the teacher finally arived. He took one look at the scene infront of him and yelled. "WHAT ZHE HOLY HELL IS GOING ON!!!!" (Like germany would from hetalia)

~timeskip to the hospital~

Doctor: "what is exactly happened to cause her to lose this much blood?!!!!!!!"

Giant robotic bug / connor: " Well I kissed her .-."

Doctor: wtf

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