Nighttime Whispers (RS)

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Riku groaned, opening an eye halfway and turning himself over. Sora was sprawled out next to him, hair everywhere, sky blue eyes fixed to the ceiling. His mouth was thin and his expression one of deep thought. Riku opened his other eye, rubbing them before pushing himself up. 

"What is it, Sora?" He yawned, eyes flicking over to the beside clock. 3:34 in the morning. Wonderful.

"Why the hell are you waking me up at three in the morning?" He asked grumpily. Sora turned over, eyes glittering in the dark.

His eyes were wide, breath heavy, the sky blue glittering in the dark as Sora put a hand on Riku's shoulder. Riku felt warm breath on his face.


"Yeah?" Riku whispered. Sora leaned in closer, his eyes huge and blue, lips slightly parted...

"Do plants have feelings?"

And it was like someone had just scratched a record.

"OW! Riku what the hell?!" Sora yelled, rubbing his head where Riku had hit him with his pillow. Riku turned back over, pushing silver hair out of his eyes.

"That was for waking me up at 3 in the morning just to ask me a stupid question."

"But do you think plants can feel?"

Riku groaned.


Sora laid back down. Shuffling under the covers, Riku felt him wriggle around a little before finally settling down.

"okay, okay, I'm sleeping." The boy said.

But he never got an answer to his question. 

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