Chapter 1: The deer doll...

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Sage's pov: 

And so they keep on twiddling them thumbs~

I was walking to the antique shop for a new doll. Everyone was staring at me, cause, well, it's not everyday you see a gothic girl walking to an antique shop after all. When I entered, there was cheesy girly-girl music playing.

I sighed and began to look at the dolls. One in particular caught my eye. It was deer-girl hybrid. The doll had pastey skin, long brunette hair, icey blue eyes, giant deer antlers, a blue overcoat that looked like something a magician would wear, a black tank top, black leggings, and brown combat boots. She reminds me of sons of anarchy for some reason. I gently picked up the doll and walked over to the counter where Pam was enjoying the dumb music. However, she would like it. Even though me and Pam are besties, we're polar opposites. I'm gothic/emo and she's a girly girl. She always wears small white gloves that looks like they were made in the olden days, pink frilly dresses, her strawberry blonde hair always in beautiful curls, unnatural yellow eyes always enclosed by long black lashes, freckles dotting her cheeks, and pink high heels. I always had my sliver/gray hair in pigtails with a blood red bow, a black punk rock tank top ( it has a cat on the front ) a black leather jacket, black fingerless gloves with studs on the knuckles, a black skirt with faded skulls, black leggings, black combat boots with red laces, and a black choker with a red rose in the middle.

"Hey Sage!!", Pam's usual chipper voice called out. I smiled and walked over to the counter. "That will be $5 Mrs. Everything I wear must be black and red~", Pam said in a mocking tone. I smirked and said, " Okay Ms. I wear clothes like I'm going to a ball and like my prince is around the next corner~." I even lifted up my skirt a bit, putting a mocking finger on my cheek. "Hey!!!", Pam said, even though she was giggling. She put the doll on the counter as I started looking through my wallet, looking for $5. Once I finally got the money, I noticed Pam put to other objects on  the counter. A small wooden music box and a very dusty book.  I turned the handle of the music box gently, the music it produced flooded over the girly song.

Pam dusted off the book, revealing the name 'Assassination Of Former Princess Knight.' "They come with the doll.", Pam explained. I picked up the items when Pam said, "Hey I'm on my break. Can I come with you?" All I did was nod," Yea." We began to walk out of the shop, talking about various things. "Did you do the history homework, Pam?", I asked, knowing the answer. Pam groaned, "Dang it I forgot! Ms. Nightmare is going to MURDER me!!" I giggled, "Maybe you can get Ms. Ink to vouch for you." Pam groaned again, "She'll just say 'You need to be more responsible, Pamlia!' I hate how she uses my full name." I laughed, "So do you want to smack her with her black and rainbow hair?" Pam shook her head,"Nah. School's just difficult." I smiled, "How about I let you copy off my homework?" Pam smiled, nodding. When we got to my house, I looked at the old picture of me and my brother. I felt my eyes tear up as I remember the last day I heard his voice........


I was watching TV when my phone rung. I pulled out my phone seeing that my brother. I smiled and answered it, only for a dread filled words spoken by him, "Hey sis. I'm in the middle of a shooting at the bank.... I just want you to know, I love you. Every day I've loved you. I loved you the most when I saw our younger sibling get shot. Heck, when I look into your eyes, I still see them.... Goodbye, forever. I love you....... " After he said that, gunshots rung out and screams of agonizing pain from my brother could be heard. He defended the others.........

Flashback ends 

Pam put her hand on my shoulder, "He was a good man." I sighed and nodded. "Could you bring this to my room?", I said, gesturing toward the doll.

Pam's pov:

I nodded and picked the cute, fragile thing. When I walked into Sage's room, all I could do stare in shock. The walls were pitch black with sliver stars painted on the walls, posters of bands and video games all over the place, black and white shag carpet on the floor, a queen sized black bed, and cluttered shelves with books and antique dolls. Hm, this place could use some pink. Too bad I didn't bring my paint cans. But then I noticed something from the corner of my eye. It was a electric guitar in the shape of a bunny with its skeleton showing.

It was too cute for words!!! I put the doll on the cluttered shelf and skipped out of Sage's room, guitar in hand

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It was too cute for words!!! I put the doll on the cluttered shelf and skipped out of Sage's room, guitar in hand. "Sage! I didn't know you played the guitar!", I squealed like a little kid. She stopped fixing herself some canned soup when I said that. "I used to. Now I won't play it unless you play the piano..." She knew very well that I refused to play the piano, especially after the incident... The incident was our music teacher leaving the school to work for our competition school. I played my own original music for him and my heart shattered when I heard Emie (a pianist at the competition school) playing it. I also may have gone bats*** crazy, breaking pianos, and punching Emie. I sighed and put the guitar away.

-~-~-~ later ~-~-~-

Sage's pov:

It was at least 3 am when I heard noises coming from my kitchen. My eyes snapped open and I quickly grabbed my gun. All I was wearing was my tank top and leggings but I didn't care. I slowly went downstairs and pointed my gun at the intruder.

It was a woman with......deer antlers....and when it turned to me, my eyes widen. It wore a blue coat that looked like something a magician would wear and icy blue eyes.

I screamed and so did the woman. No way..this couldn't be my doll!!! When we stopped screaming, she said in a sweet voice, "What are we screaming about?"

"Okay, this must be a dream. A really bad dream!!!!", I said. I felt the girl tap my shoulder. When I turned, I was met with a slap to the face.

"OW!!!!!" She smiled, "You felt pain, so you aren't dreaming." WHAT KIND OF SICK HUMOR IS THAT?!

"Anyways, how about we meet the others?", she said. I looked up at her.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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