Chapter #1

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Just give it a try, you won't regret. My story will be going pretty slowly because I  want my characters to get to know each other better so please be patient enough with me. Thank You <3 :)

secretidentity- Yo there ! How's my 'coal' doing?

mynameis931O- Hi. And by now I though you would have learned my name. Its 'Nicole' You get it?

secretidentity- Something's going on and your not telling me. Are you going to or I have to force it out of you like always?

mynameis931O- Nothing. Just quit bothering me !

secretidentity- NICOLE STEWART stop hiding it from me. You know your bad at lying so why even bother trying?

mynameis931O- Its not fair. HOW DO YOU ALWAYS COME TO KNOW? What are you anyways, not a human being that's for sure.

secretidentity- Your best friend.

mynameis931O- You REALLY want to know? Because I'm not sure I want to tell you.

secretidentity- Stop playing hard to get 'COAL' Tell Me ALREADY.

mynameis931O- Fine I know it will sound stupid so don't mind.

secretidentity- What's so new in that?

mynameis931O- SHUTUP 'Just- In'


mynameis931O- If you promise not to laugh, yes.

secretidentity- Promise.

mynameis931O- You didn't talk to me since the past 5 months. You didn't repy to any of my emails. I was beginning to think you were dead or something. And that made me so depressed that you can never imagine. I would cry for hours and my parents even took me to a doctor 'cause that's how bad my conditioin was, all THANKS to you. And one fine random day you just go like Yo! Like we were talking all along.

secretidentity- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself. You ACTUALLY cried? My god.

mynameis931O- you promised !

secretidentity- Sorry, coal. Anyway I couldn't keep in touch because my dad had an operation going on past the last 5 months and I was there with him all the time, so I basically didn't have any time for myself.

mynameis931O- Oh. How is he now?

secretidentity- Better than before at least. Nicks you sure you okay? I'm really sorry.

mynameis931O- Yeah you lil' monkey ! You scared me to death ! I hate saying this, but I missed you.

secretidentity- Off course you did.

mynameis931O- Okay, I probably shouldn't have said that. Now all your going to do is tease me.

secretidentity- Thanks for the idea 'coal'

mynameis931O- SHIT. What is wrong with me?

secretidentity- Yeah.. your just a lil' too stupid.


secretidentity- Aw, someone's getting pissed.

mynameis931O- Holy shit ! Its 12 am and instead of sleeping I'm talking to the most annoying person on earth.

secretidentity- See? You love me so much !

mynameis931O- Justin. Goodnight.

I switch off my laptop and make my way towards my bed. Finally no more of Justin, I tell myself. He may be cocky, annoying, teasing but who knows where I would be without him.

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