11- Shut your mouths!

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I bet some of you have probably been wondering what Connor thinks, so here it is :-)

Connors POV

Madison was staring at us and I couldn't take it anymore, I have to kiss her. I mean it's not a bad thing cause I actually like her, but I know she doesn't like me. Madison is expecting me to kiss her so I pick my hand up and wrap it around her neck then I kiss Beth. It felt good to kiss her being sober. Her watermelon Chapstick got on my lips and I chuckled. It was only a peck but I can feel the sparks in the pit of my stomach. I want to be able to kiss her all the time, hold her all the time, and love her but she would never want that. That kiss probably weirded her out but she smiled after and rested her head on my shoulder. I have to remember it is just an act and that she doesn't actually like me like that. But I am glad we are becoming friends, even though I obviously want to be more. Madison rolls her eyes then goes back to the movie. Beth continues to watch the movie as well and I can't stop myself from staring at her. I mean she is the most beautiful girl I have met. She probably thinks it's weird right now that I am staring at her but she just smiles. If only it were real. I remove my arm from her neck and rest my head on top of hers. And in this moment, as I pretend to watch the movie, I realize that I have fallen for her.


I already knew I liked her but now I realize that I like her more than I have ever liked anyone. Not love but something very close to it. My feelings for this girl grow every single day like a flower and the only thing to make them bloom is sunlight and water, but my sunlight and water is her love and affection.

"Bethany?" I ask to make sure she is still there even though I can feel her head under mine.

"Yeah?" She questions me while still staring at the movie.

"Never mind." I say.

I smile in the dark and I want to kiss her but when I glance over at madison she looks pretty pleased, like she doesn't need anymore evidence to prove our fake relationship is 'real'. I kiss the top of her head anyway. She stays in the same position and I hear a gasp come from behind me.

I turn around to see a group of fourteen year old girls with their phones out a couple rows behind us.

They have been taking photos.

I pick my head up and get a better look at them.

It is the same girls that saw us at CVS except they have two more girls with them.

One of them squeals and I groan.

"what's wrong?" Bethany asks me, noticing that there is indeed a problem.

"those girls over there." I turn and point at them "have been taking photos of us the whole entire time." I say

"oh my god." She gasps and they take more photos.

"Everything okay over there?" Madison cuts in.

"y-yeah everything's fine." Beth stutters.

Madison turns her head to the girls and smirks.

"you haven't announced the big news yet!" She says.

"Madison plea-" I say but she stands from her seat and walks to the girls.

They all look shocked then the words that come out of her mouth make me officially hate her.

"If you were wondering, yes those two are dating. I am both of their friends and they have confirmed it. Aren't they so cute together!" She says and deepens her evil smirk.

Beth rolls her eyes then stands up. She grabs my hand and I stand up confused as she drags me to the group that madison is talking to.

I am expecting her to tell them off and say that it was fake but she takes me by surprise.

"yes! we are dating so maybe you should shut your mouths so I can enjoy this movie with my boyfriend! There is so need to take stupid photos." She exclaims.

A bunch of shhs come our way and beth rolls her eyes. "you shhhh" She says then drags me back to our seats.

"nice." Is all i say.

"really?" She says "I didn't seem too over exaggerating?"

"I thought you were awesome but you know that you have confirmed we are a couple and we can't do anything about that. I think she was taking a video." I say.

"whatever. I can pretend then we can fake breakup. What's the big deal?" She says.

I smile. "nothing."

Yay! I actually really like righting Connor's point of view! Isn't he so sweet like beth come on you've got a boy that likes you but you don't like him back what.

The stories changing woop woop.

I am actually really proud of this chapter.

It's actually really hard to come up with the name of a chapter, so sorry this one was so lame.

What's gonna happen next???

-Leah :-)

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